Text 6 Feb 8 notes

Just put the files anywhere I guess.

Photo 24 Jan 7 notes I assume this is a security measure.

I assume this is a security measure.

Photo 27 Jan 13 notes I updated to Swift 3 again. Maybe it’ll take this time.

I updated to Swift 3 again. Maybe it’ll take this time.

Photo 22 Dec 7 notes Followup to the last post: Some days you just can’t click a button.

Followup to the last post: Some days you just can’t click a button.

Video 21 Dec 6 notes

I should be developing on a device anyway, right?

Sometimes Xcode just needs to rest for a moment.

Video 19 Dec 18 notes

Xcode probably supports some versions of iOS, but nobody’s sure which ones.

I was going to file a Radar about this, but Radar’s web interface is down. I’m not even kidding.

Photo 6 Oct 11 notes If you’re editing a file, that means a file with that file’s name exists. Who knew?

If you’re editing a file, that means a file with that file’s name exists. Who knew?

Video 19 Aug 15 notes

Who are you going to trust, Xcode or some freaky open source project?

Photo 26 Apr 18 notes Xcode vs. iTunes, the battle continues.

Xcode vs. iTunes, the battle continues.

Video 20 Apr 14 notes

No, Xcode, for real, WTF does that actually mean?

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