The Network Neutrality Squad (NNSquad) is
an open-membership, open-source effort, enlisting the Internet's users to help keep the Internet's
operations fair and unhindered from unreasonable restrictions.
The project's focus includes detection, analysis, and incident reporting of any anticompetitive, discriminatory, or other restrictive actions on the part of Internet Service Providers (ISPs) or affiliated entities, such as the blocking or disruptive manipulation of applications, protocols, transmissions, or bandwidth; or other similar behaviors not specifically requested by their customers. Other key aspects of the project are discussions, technology development and deployment, and associated activities -- fostering cooperation and mutually agreeable methodologies whenever possible -- aimed at keeping the Internet a maximally unhindered, useful, competitive, fair, and open environment for the broadest possible range of applications and services. We invite individual, commercial, nonprofit, government, and all other Internet users and stakeholders (including ISPs) to participate in the Network Neutrality Squad. Please join the moderated mailing list (choice of immediate distribution or digest) for project announcements and discussions, by sending a message (any subject or text) to, or by signing up at the mailing list Web page. An archive of past messages that have been distributed to the mailing list is available for your use. Questions and comments are welcome at, or feel free to contact Lauren Weinstein directly as shown below for project-related details. Working together, we can help to keep the Internet an incredibly useful resource for everyone around the globe, unhampered by any efforts to skew its enormous capabilities in ways that could hinder the many while benefiting the relative few. We hope that you'll join this cause. Thank you for your consideration. Affiliations noted below are for identification purposes only, and signatories' opinions do not necessarily reflect those of their affiliations. Lauren Weinstein - Co-Founder, PFIR - People For Internet Responsibility TEL: +1 (818) 225-2800 Peter G. Neumann - Co-Founder, PFIR - People For Internet Responsibility Vinton G. Cerf Vice President & Chief Internet Evangelist - Google Keith Dawson - David J. Farber - Distinguished Career Professor of Computer Science and Public Policy - Carnegie Mellon University Bob Frankston - Phil Karn Craig Newmark - Customer Service Rep & Founder - Craigslist David P. Reed Paul Saffo Bruce Schneier - CTO - BT Counterpane |