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Triple digit temperatures are here and don’t look to be going anywhere soon. Now, the heat wave is beginning to take its toll.

“Temperatures are skyrocketing and we know in this heatwave intensifying we could get close to beating the all time record high for Northern California,” said Stephanie McCorkle.

That could cause some problems, so California Independent System Operator officials have issued a Flex Alert for Northern California.

“Monday and Tuesday are the big days that we need them to conserve, and that is noon to 7,” said McCorkle.

What they are asking you to do is to set your thermostat to 78 when your home, and higher when your not. They also want you to procrastinate on your chores.

“So just put off doing your chores until after dinner time. Don’t run the dishwasher, don’t do the laundry, don’t run the vacuum cleaner,” said McCorkle.

They also ask you to unplug appliances you are not using and to flip off lights when you leave the room. These are requests not demands, but if we don’t comply there could be problems.

“You will start seeing wear and tear on the power plant. Also in local distribution, you will see the transformers pop. Just because in the intensity of this heat wave that is on the power grid,” said McCorkle.