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    38 Musicians Cradling Cats

    Every songwriter needs a muse mews.

    1. Internet sensation Lil Bub, pictured here with Jonathan Richman, founder of Boston's finest, The Modern Lovers.

    2. Bethany Cosentino of Best Coast

    3. Kurt Cobain (R.I.P.)

    4. Gabba Gabba Kitty

    5. There's a dig in here about Taylor Swift's dating foibles but I just don't care to finesse it out.

    6. Noted tough guy Henry Rollins shows his softer side.

    7. You're The One For Me, Catty!

    8. The Thin White Duke

    9. Brian Eno

    10. Bob Dylan

    11. Nina Simone

    12. Davy Jones monkeying around with his feline friend.

    13. Frank Zappa

    14. Pete Doherty of The Libertines

    15. Da Ya Think I'm Sexy?

    16. MGMT

    17. Marilyn Manson

    18. Karen O of The Yeah Yeah Yeahs, snuggling here with her "Gold Lion".

    19. Joan Baez

    20. John Lennon

    21. We Are Scientists

    Album cover art

    22. Joan Jett

    Can't forget this...

    23. ...or THIS!

    24. Freddie Mercury and his best friend.

    25. Marianne Faithfull

    26. George Harrison

    27. Paul McCartney

    28. The Beastie Boys, snapped here with "Cooky Puss".

    29. Beth Ditto of The Gossip

    30. George Michael

    31. La Roux

    32. Isaac Brock of Modest Mouse

    33. Tyler The Creator

    34. Snoop "Lion" crosses over to the other side.

    35. Kim Gordon of Sonic Youth


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    36. Crystal Castles

    37. Dolly Parton

    38. Bringing it back full circle, here's Lil Bub shooting a PSA with Andrew W.K., one of America's leading authorities on partying.


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