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What could an opened letter at the state capitol have to do with disrupted operations at one Sacramento DMV office?

The answer could be a lot, as the FBI and California Highway Patrol look into a week’s worth of strange situations.

The last of those situations amounted to a short Friday work day on Broadway, for all the wrong reasons.

“We have our hazardous materials specialist out here. He was able to collect this envelope and the substance that was in it and take it to a lab for further testing,” said Assistant Sacramento City Fire Chief Niko King.

“We’re just waiting to see what the authorities tell us,” said Armando Botello, spokesperson for the California Department of Motor Vehicles.

Caution tape went up, as most of the 50 employees inside the DMV annex were forced to evacuate – all because of a white powder one worker found inside an envelope.

Investigators with Sac City Fire are now revealing that similar situations have played out several times around town in the last few days.

Suspicious white power has been the culprit in all of the incidents.

“There was one at the capitol,” said King.

That’s right –a questionable letter was received in a mail room of the Capitol Thursday around 2 p.m. — 30 minutes earlier than the timing of the discovery at the DMV.

Despite all of the similarities, King says it’s too soon to tell if the discoveries are really related.

Neither of the workers who came in contact with the powder at the capitol and at the DWV showed any signs of being contaminated with any toxins.

On-scene testing determined the powders were not explosive in nature or releasing noxious gas.

Still, substance samples have been taken from each location and will undergo further analysis at a Sacramento county health lab.

Notes found along with the powder have also been documented and taken into evidence.

The contents of the notes were not released.