These are the 10 worst jobs of 2015

Crumpled money
Photograph by Getty Images

Bad news for newspaper reporters: Your job has been named the worst in the U.S. for 2015, according to rankings released by job search site Two other media positions are also high on the list, along with professions that are physically taxing.

The jobs were ranked based on the following attributes, with much of the data coming from the Bureau of Labor Statistics: “income, outlook, environmental factors, stress and physical demands.”

And the best gig for 2015? That would be an actuary, the people who specialize in financial risk.

Here’s the full list:

The worst of 2015

1. Newspaper reporter
2. Lumberjack
3. Enlisted military personnel
4. Cook
5. Broadcaster
6. Photojournalist
7. Corrections officer
8. Taxi driver
9. Firefighter
10. Mail carrier

The best of 2015

1. Actuary
2. Audiologist
3. Mathematician
4. Statistician
5. Biomedical engineer
6. Data scientist
7. Dental hygienist
8. Software engineer
9. Occupational therapist
10. Computer systems analyst

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