Watermelon provides various health benefits, including hydration and vitamin C. It is also a source of antioxidants, which can fight free radicals in the body.

Free radicals are unstable molecules that can damage cells and may play a role in many health conditions.

Watermelons are a member of the Cucurbitaceae family, along with other fruits such as honeydew melons, cantaloupe melons, and cucumbers. They can be a healthy addition to a balanced, nutritious diet.

In this article, learn more about the possible health benefits and nutritional content of watermelon, some tips for serving it, and who should avoid watermelon.

A slice of watermelon in a person's hand with blue sky and clouds in the background.Share on Pinterest
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Watermelon contains antioxidants. These substances can help remove molecules known as free radicals from the body.

The body produces free radicals during natural processes, such as metabolism. Free radicals can also develop through:

If too many free radicals stay in the body, oxidative stress can occur, which can result in cell damage and may lead to a range of health conditions, such as cancer and heart disease.

The body can remove some free radicals naturally, but dietary antioxidants support this process.

Below are some of the other ways watermelon may help support a person’s health.


Watermelon is around 92% waterTrusted Source. It also provides electrolytes, such as potassium, which are important for hydration. This combination could make watermelon a beneficial snack in hot weather or after workouts.

People can consume watermelon fresh, as juice, or frozen in slices.

Digestion and regularity

Because watermelon has a high water content and provides some fiber, it may help support digestion by promoting the regularity of bowel movements.

Skin health

Watermelon contains vitamin C, which the body needsTrusted Source to produce collagen. Collagen provides structure and elasticity to the skin.

Watermelon also contains lycopene, an antioxidant that may help protect cells from UV damage. A 2023 reviewTrusted Source of past research notes that some studies have shown lycopene intake may improve collagen health in the skin.

More research is necessary to confirm whether watermelon specifically can have the same effect.

Learn more about foods for skin health.

Reducing the risk of prostate cancer

A 2020 study summarizing past research states that lycopene may have anticancer effects, with some evidence suggesting this antioxidant may help prevent or slow the progression of prostate cancer.

However, this does not mean eating watermelon can replace current medical treatments. Research is still investigating whether lycopene could be useful in complementing prostate cancer treatment.

Learn more about the links between cancer and diet.

Helping with metabolic syndrome

A small 2019 study suggests that watermelon may affect certain features of metabolic syndrome, including obesity and cardiovascular measures.

In the study, 33 people with overweight or obesity consumed either 2 cups of watermelon or cookies low in fat and calories each day for 4 weeks.

The people who ate watermelon reported feeling less hungry and more satisfied for longer than those who ate the cookies. In addition, after 4 weeks, those who ate watermelon had:

  • higher levels of antioxidants in their blood
  • lower systolic blood pressure
  • a lower body weight and body mass index (BMI)
  • an improved waist-to-hip ratio

However, this study had a small number of participants and the cookie contained twice as much sugar as the watermelon. Further research is necessary to confirm the results.

Blood pressure

A 2023 review and meta-analysis notes that some trials have found watermelon supplementation may help lower blood pressure.

However, not all trials have reached the same conclusion, with some reporting no effect. This means that the research so far is not conclusive, and more studies are necessary.

The table below shows the amount of each nutrient in a cup of melon balls weighing around 154 grams (g)Trusted Source.

It also shows how much an adult needs of each nutrient, according to the 2020–2025 Dietary Guidelines for AmericansTrusted Source. Requirements vary according to an individual’s sex and age.

NutrientAmount in 1 cup of watermelon Daily adult requirement
Energy (calories)46.21,800 to 3,000
Carbohydrate (g)11.6, including 9.6 g of sugar130
Fiber (g)0.622.4 to 33.6
Calcium (milligrams [mg])10.81,000 to 1,200
Phosphorus (mg)16.9700
Magnesium (mg)15.4320 to 420
Potassium (mg)1724,700
Vitamin C (mg)12.575 to 90
Folate (mcg, DFE)4.6400
Choline (mg)6.3425 to 550
Vitamin A, RAE (mcg)43.1700 to 900
Beta carotene (mcg)467No data
Lutein and zeaxanthin (mcg)12.3 mcgNo data
Lycopene (mcg)6,980No data
Phytosterols (mg)3.08No data

When buying a watermelon, it is best to look for one that is firm, heavy, and symmetrical, with no soft parts or bruising. A creamy yellow spot on the underside of the watermelon indicates the fruit is ripe.

Some ideas for ways to serve watermelon include:

  • Juice: A person can combine diced watermelon with a few ice cubes in a blender for a refreshing electrolyte drink that is perfect for rehydrating after exercise or a day in the sun.
  • Salad: Watermelon, mint, and fresh mozzarella on a bed of spinach leaves makes a tasty salad. A person may wish to drizzle their salad with balsamic dressing.
  • Smoothies: People can make a watermelon smoothie or combine the fruit with orange juice for extra tang.
  • Roasted seeds: A person can try roasting watermelon seeds in an oven for 15 to 20 minutes to make a tasty snack.

It is helpful to check the packaging of premade fruit juices or smoothies, which may have added sugar.

Moderate amounts of watermelon present no serious health risk for most people. However, people with certain conditions may need to take care when consuming this fruit.

Because watermelon contains some natural sugar, people with diabetes will need to account for these carbs in their daily meal plan.

Some people may have a watermelon allergy. If a person develops itchiness, hives, or other allergy symptoms after eating watermelon, they should avoid the fruit and seek medical advice.

Anaphylaxis: Symptoms and what to do

Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction that can be life threatening. The symptoms develop suddenly and include:

  • hives
  • swelling of the face or mouth
  • wheezing
  • fast, shallow breathing
  • a fast heart rate
  • clammy skin
  • anxiety or confusion
  • dizziness
  • vomiting
  • blue or white lips
  • fainting or loss of consciousness

If someone has these symptoms:

  1. Check whether they are carrying an epinephrine pen. If they are, follow the instructions on the side of the pen to use it.
  2. Dial 911 or the number of the nearest emergency department.
  3. Assist the person in moving from a sitting position to lying down. If they have vomited, turn them onto their side.
  4. Stay with them until the emergency services arrive.

Some people may need more than one epinephrine injection. If the symptoms do not improve in 5 to 15 minutes, or they come back, use a second pen if the person has one.

Is it okay to eat watermelon every day?

Yes, it is safe to eat watermelon every day, so long as a person also gets nutrients from a range of other foods.

Is watermelon high in sugar?

Watermelon contains around 6.2 gTrusted Source of naturally-occurring sugars per 100 g. This is relatively low, particularly compared with many other fruits.

Nutrition resources

For more science-backed resources on nutrition, visit our dedicated hub.

Watermelon is a hydrating fruit that contains plenty of water, along with vitamin C and other antioxidants, such as lycopene. These antioxidants may have health benefits, such as anticancer properties.

There is also some evidence that watermelon may help lower blood pressure or positively affect markers of metabolic syndrome. However, more research into these effects is necessary, as existing studies have been small.

Watermelon cannot replace medical treatments for any health condition, but people can enjoy it as part of a varied and nutritious diet.