Android 6.0.1 release 5
dragon: Use device/ makefiles to install supplicant_overlay.conf files

Currently, this is how the overlay files get built into the image:

device/google/dragon/ says:
 $(call inherit-product-if-exists, vendor/google_devices/dragon/

vendor/google_devices/dragon/ says:
 $(call inherit-product-if-exists, vendor/google_devices/dragon/firmware/bcm4354/

vendor/google_devices/dragon/firmware/bcm4354/ includes this makefile:
   which installs:

On AOSP builds, the vendor/ tree is replaced by a minimal version that
only handles binary blobs.  Therefore, we'll want
device/google/dragon/ to include the hardware/... makefile
directly, instead of through vendor/...

TEST=`rm -rf out` and then rebuild internal + AOSP trees

Change-Id: I1e495c1badb875625f63f799b72b5ca290c3a8e5
Signed-off-by: Kevin Cernekee <>
1 file changed