The University of Chicago is conducting a study called "Your Voice! Your Health!" to learn how to improve communication and decision making between LGBTQ people of color and their healthcare providers.

We are partnering with Morten Group to carry out this study because they have extensive experience working with LGBTQ communities of color. Morten Group will lead the recruitment efforts and will conduct interviews and focus groups across the Chicagoland area.

• You will have the option to choose to participate in either a focus group or an individual interview. You can change your mind at any time. Both will be held at a community-based organization or health center.

• We expect the one-on-one interview will last about 1 hour and 15 minutes and you will get $40 in cash for completing the interview.

• The focus groups will last about 2 hours. There will be snacks during the focus groups and you will get $40 in cash and a snack for completing the focus group.

• The focus groups and interviews will be audio recorded. A member of our research team will take notes during the focus group. Audio files will be kept on a secure computer until the study is finished. Once written transcripts have been created and research reports have been published, the audio recordings will be destroyed (deleted). The information you provide will be de-identified. This means that the study data will not contain any information that could be used to identify you.

• The main risk in participating is a potential loss of confidentiality. We will take every precaution to maintain confidentiality of your information; however, the nature of focus groups (individuals attending the focus group will know that each attendee has qualified for the study by their presence in the group) in particular prevents us from guaranteeing confidentiality. We will remind all participants to respect the privacy of their fellow participants and not repeat names or personal stories that were shared in the focus group to others.

• This study is completely voluntary. You can choose to not answer any questions or to end your participation at any time.

The YVYH study has multiple sub-studies that you might qualify for. Please answer the following questions to help us check your eligibility for any of the sub-studies. If you qualify, a staff member from Morten Group will contact you to give you more details.

Thank you!

Your Voice! Your Health! Team

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