Celebrating Christmas in China

Capitalizing on China

An American tries to expand into China.

Inside a Shanghai cathedral, built in the 1920s.Credit Deb Weidenhamer

When I was a little girl, I raised money for missionaries who were taking Bibles into China. As the daughter of a preacher, it was one of many similar projects I undertook, like going door to door to collect money for starving children in Africa and gathering wheelchairs and crutches to send to missionary doctors in South America.

So the first time I walked into a church in China and saw Bibles sitting in the bench shelves, it was an emotional moment for me. Was it possible that these were some of the Bibles brought over all those years ago? Did they bring comfort? These are the questions we all wrestle with throughout life, wondering if our small contributions make a difference.

As Christianity continues to grow in mainland China, with an estimated 85 million believers, so has the celebration of Christmas. There is very little understanding, though, of why Westerners treat this particular holy day in such a different way from others. There are no official religious holidays celebrated in China, so the observation of Christmas requires explanation here.

In the office building where I have set up my auction company, the property managers put up printed descriptions of the holiday to accompany their Christmas decorations. The translations from Chinese to English are a bit rough, but the perspective is fascinating. My favorite storyboard tells of how the Bible says “Santa came for Christmas.”

Explaining Christmas in China.Credit Kurt Coffman

Even for Chinese Christians, the holiday passes without the fanfare and busyness of the Western celebration. Christmas is a commercial holiday and is viewed as a time when a kindly grandfather figure gives out token presents, similar to what we call “stocking stuffers.” Some families and friends, regardless of their beliefs, exchange small gifts — a custom of growing popularity throughout China.

Most expats in China for the holiday take the day off, celebrating at the Western hotels, dining in their homes with other expats or attending church services. I attend a nondenominational church in Shanghai called the Shanghai Community Fellowship. I found the church through a colleague who thought I would enjoy seeing a church service in China. I began attending with him and typically go every Sunday that I am in Shanghai.

The church holds separate services for Chinese nationals and for foreign passport holders. It proudly claims to host believers from more than 68 nations every Sunday. The church’s home is a cathedral that was built in the 1920s and holds 1,500 people. The story goes that American missionaries built the cathedral in the English style — which doesn’t really explain all of the French fleurs-de-lis in the architecture.

This church is always packed, and it’s difficult to get a seat if you are late. Services begin with worship music and prayer. Many in the congregation are in China temporarily, and at one point in the service, those who have been attending for more than six months and are about to return home or take a different assignment are invited to speak. As many as 10 congregants rise to share their stories of how the church has been a refuge for them and a place to find some of the comforts of home.

The farewells are followed by contemporary Christian music from a band.  The pastor preaches, or a special foreign visitor speaks and shares from the Bible. The service ends with a prayer for the week. As attendees flock out the doors, most gather in the huge courtyards outside to socialize.

In America, it’s easy to become caught up during the holidays in the whirlwind of parties and gifts. I have found it refreshing to be in China, where things carry on as usual during December — with a few extra holiday touches. There are beautiful Christmas displays in all of the stores, with piped-in English Christmas music. There is also local holiday music. Last year, a very popular Chinese Christmas rap song with a catchy tune and “Jingle Bells” played everywhere.

The relative lack of fanfare puts in perspective why we celebrate the birth of Christ at this time. Without all the noise from advertisers and marketers, I find my way back to the very simple days when I was a child who hoped to bring a little comfort to others.

Deb Weidenhamer is chief executive of Auction Systems Auctioneers & Appraisers.