
Gadget Gift Guide for The Techie + The Photographer + The iPhonographer

11.20.13 By //
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I’m about to let the cat about of the bag my friends… I may post all kinds of pretty things here at TDC and I love design all things feminine and gorgeous… but … I’m actually kind of a techie and lover of all things gadget. As in, I can’t get enough and I’m constantly using gadgets or pondering my next gadget takeover. In fact, we are that family. You know the one they joke about or show on tv, each one of us completely plugged into various gadgets by the 2’s and 3’s. Headphones, iPads, phones, laptops, all simultaneously. In my household we have no less than 4 different varieties of tablet, laptops aplenty, and stacks upon stacks of smart phones of every generation both past and present.

Now to be fair, my profession as a blogger does require that I am plugged in 99% of the time and my particular version of blogging with the furniture plans and such does require a hefty level of technological proficiency… but let’s just be real here… I have always been a techie.

So today I am sharing my list of 18 must have items for any other techie’s out there and for those who like to take pictures. These are the items I use daily, absolutely can’t live without, or that I have on my wish list and need to have immediately!

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Second admission: I was an Samsung smart phone lover until I got my iPhone. Now I will not likely ever switch back. As it turns out, I use my phone for 98% of all pictures and video that I take and so naturally I can’t wait to upgrade to the iPhone 5s. Duh… But, for the times I use my real camera, I would love to upgrade to the Nikon D800. It would be dreamy! The instant camera is just fun but also helps with test shots for photo shoots. The printer you see here is the best of the best and a great price. If you use your printer for photos and you want high quality, you need a Canon printer, the end. There are some other comparable print quality options but this one is an all in one with scan and copy and is wireless! A printer must be wireless these days, am I right?

I would love to have this DriSuit for my phone so I can take underwater photos and also so that my phone survives when I drop it in the toilet. Because in all honesty a toilet dropping is much more likely to happen before a trip somewhere with an ocean and some leisure time, but who cares… Now this charger is something I never leave home without. It’s a must! It never fails that I have forgotten to charge my phone before I head out so whenever I’m in the car, it’s no problem. A Bluetooth speaker is a fabulous treat for any of you music lovers out there. That 3D printer is a thing of my dreams. I can’t wait to get my grubby mitts on one of those bad boys!

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I love the iPad mini because it works for a tablet at that size but also an e-reader. The larger version doesn’t, at least not for me because of the size and weight after a bit. Anyone who take pictures using an SD card in their camera needs an eye-fi card. It basically uploads your images via wi-fi so you don’t have to stop and unload your memory card in the middle of a shoot! How lovely is that! I adore my 50 mm lens and it’s such a bargain price too. The perfect lens for those artsy shots with depth of field out of focus! Love that! The portable battery pack is crucial when you are traveling or won’t be near an outlet so you can charge up your gadgets on the fly! Never leave home without it if you can help it! Have you seen this clip on DSLR lens for your iPhone? Amazing. I want, want, want! How about a clip on polarizing lens for your phone while you are at it. Hello gorgeous skies and beautiful shots!

If the full blown lens is a bit too pricey (yes it’s definitely pricey) then perhaps the clip on lens set with one wide angle, one telephoto, a fish eye and a macro… yes please! Of course some amazing noise blocking head phones are just the thing you need on a long flight or when you are traveling with your kids in the car. Or maybe the kids need them… so you don’t have to listen to their kid shows all the way to grandma’s house. This 28-300 lens is next on my list. It’s just wide enough for room shots most of the time, but magnifies for those distance shots with the turn of a dial. A must when you are shooting in a variable setting, or your kids at their soccer games.

Any tech items you can’t live without? I would love to swap ideas with you! Please share in the comments, if you so wish!

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