Day 12 – The Cliffs of Moher and Killarney

Do you remember that scene? You know, the one from Princess Bride? Well, it’s not one of those movies that you’ll ever forget (whether that’s good or bad) so if you’ve seen it, you’ll remember it. It’s that moment when they scale those dreadful Cliffs of Insanity. I bet none of you actually thought those cliffs were real, after all, they were so impossibly high! But that’s where you’re wrong, because those are the beautiful and majestic Cliffs of Moher.


We drop in on them before heading to Killarney. The day is gloomy, overcast but utterly beautiful. It’s the kind of day that lends the imagination towards rolling fog across the green pastures of a distant farm. And the cliffs really do deliver with that feeling, as there are ravens all over the edge and a distant ruin up a hill. It’s all very dramatic and while the stop over is pretty quick, it’s fun to walk along.


The far off ruins are actually quite accessible and are those of the Moher fort, sitting on top of the hilariously named Hag’s Head. There seems to be very little information on the fort, other than it being an outpost for stranded sailors or shipwrecked merchants. More notable about the cliffs are the sheer amount of people who have fallen to their deaths, mostly with the clear intention of doing so. All of its history, of shipwrecks and victims, makes it a solemn place.

Onto the bus again and it’s now onto Killarney, which is a beautiful town lined with forests and groves. It’s a relatively popular town, due to the smash hit christmas carol of, “Christmas in Killarney.” Having grown up on Dean Martin and Bing Crosby at every Christmas dinner, it’s lyrics chime in my head pleasantly as we drive in.

The holly green, the ivy green
The prettiest picture you’ve ever seen
Is Christmas in Killarney
With all of the folks at home

I have the choice to do a horse and carriage ride but since I’m a bit concerned about my finances, I decide to skip it and just walk around the town. I have a nice time exploring the area and heading out to the national parks nearby.


As I head back, I bump into the gang and we decide to head into the town for a bit. We head along a main road and stop off for a delicious dinner at a pretty alleyside restaurant. It’s so relaxing to be with everyone and enjoying a glass (or a pint) of cider. We are sitting outside and surrounded by flowers, so it’s a lovely sight. After some ice cream, we head back to the bus as our accommodation is out of the town.

While we wait for the rooms to be readied, I stop off at the hotel bar and relax with the guys. I down a few more ciders and just listen to the blokes talk without adding too much of interest.

When I head back to the room at midnight, I am horrified to discover that there is a massive spiders nest in our window alcove. I freak out until Alex fetches Mark to spray them. I literally bow at his feet for actually doing that for me, as I was nearly in hysterics. Spiders are my greatest fear.

They may be dead but I’m still a bit anxious and I sleep poorly that night.

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