Super Yuki to the Rescue!

Superhero4My main Christmas present to Yuki was this superhero dress up costume, and honestly?  Best. Gift. Ever.  For two reasons – 1. it was all suuuper simple and fast to sew up and 2. she absolutely loves it.  Can’t get much better than that!


SUPER YUKI!  Oh man, I get a pretty good kick out of this costume too, I must say!  I first got the idea to make her a cape awhile ago when Yuki started pretending that she was a magician.  But recently, she saw a few episodes of the 1980s show, Spider-man and His Amazing Friends, and got really into the character, Firestar.  She kept asking if she could be her, but she looks like this and I wasn’t going to make that costume for her.  Luckily, details don’t matter much to a three year old and as far as Yuki is concerned, she is totally Firestar.

Superhero2So there are a ton of great cape patterns out there, but this one was made with this free pattern/tutorial because I really liked the shape of it.  Though I used velcro instead of magnets and I also shortened it quite a bit.  The cape is reversible and one side is made of some sort of shiny red fabric with the felt star “logo” top stitched on.


The reverse side is black cotton with silver stars hand stamped on.  This side is supposed to be the magician side.  She hasn’t actually used this side since she’s much more into being a superhero, but I imagine that if I get her a hat and magic wand, she might be inclined to put on some magic shows as well.  I love that this cape is reversible and easy enough for her to put on by herself.


The mask and arm cuffs are made of felt (the red is a glittery felt) and are technically both reversible as well, though these are just yellow on the other side.  I used this template for the mask and this pattern/tutorial for the arm cuffs, though I shortened my cuffs to fit Yuki better.  I started by top stitching the yellow stars on the red layer and then sewed the yellow and red layers together close to the edges.  Sandwich the elastic in between the two layers for the mask and it’s done.  The arm cuffs close with velcro.  I think I finished these in one nap time!


I love how she falls into character so quickly when the costume is on.  All I have to do is give a Green Goblin cackle and she’s after me like the world is depending on it!


Stealth mode.

I just love her imagination right now.  Everything she does is so creative and intensely real and meaningful it is to her.  Sometimes it gets tiring to play the same games over and over again with her, but I also know that I’m going to miss this stage when it’s gone.  She is just always 100% in that moment.  I envy that.


OOF – she’s just too powerful for me!  Super Yuki saves the day once again!

What was the best present that you gave this year?  This would definitely be it for me, hands down.

37 thoughts on “Super Yuki to the Rescue!

  1. I made Superhero masks and cuff for my friend’s children last year. Quite similar to yours actually. They went down a treat. But the best present I received this year was from my 2 year old. She’s not vey fluent yet with her language, only just joining 2 words together at the moment. So when I put her to bed on Christmas evening I said to her as usual “Love you, Scout”, normally she says nothing, but this time she replied “Love you, mummy.”

    As much as I loved the camera I got from my husband, the first time your child tells you they love you is very hard to beat.

  2. I couldn’t even think of such an amazing costume!! But, the present that my grandchildren (aged 2 and 4) enjoyed a lot this Christmas was a book called “Goldie Blox and the Spinning Machine.” It teaches children to build a simple machine. No crafting, but they like it. Yuki might, too.

  3. My 2 year old got a doll from her grandparents that she fell in love with right away. She thinks it’s an American Girl doll like her sister’s and we’ve told the 6 year old not to shatter her illusions. As for what I gave them, I think the small stuff in the stocking were the biggest hit, especially the special scissors (they cut different wave patterns). The 6 year old also loves her nutcracker (she dreams of being Clara…)

    • Why do I always forget to say half of what I want to say?

      I love the costume you made. Yuki’s poses are so awesome! I wish my girls would dress up as something other than princesses and ballerinas. I’ve tried! I’ve provided tons of other costumes but nope. Ballerina and princess all the way…

      • Ooh, love fancy scissors 🙂 I’m glad that Yuki loves this costume, but if I gave her a princess dress, she might just choose that over the cape. But I figure, she gets to dress up as a princess at preschool and at friends houses, so at home she can have something different. She hasn’t complained. YET! 😛

  4. Super Yuki is the cutest! I wish I had seen that cape pattern last month when I was sewing capes for Craft Hope! I ended up drafting my own quick pattern, and it works alright but could use a few small adjustments.

    The best gift I made this Christmas was definitely the set of three stuffed Zelda bombs for my littlest. He is OBSESSED with Zelda and was so excited to finally have a “bomb bag”. He also gets super into character, I love it! The minute you put on the Ganondorf hat I made for my husband’s Halloween costume, Flynn runs off for his sword and fights you with all he’s got!

    • Haha, aren’t kids the best!? Feels so good to make something they really love. And yeah, this cape pattern was really good – sorry you didn’t find it sooner!!

  5. love it! this is such a hilarious and fascinating age. I love what my kids do with their imaginations. They can “be” anything with any costume piece that ever so slightly resembles their character.

    • Totally! Wish we could get the girls together for some cape-wearing and adventure-having. I bet yours could teach Yuki a thing or two about being a superhero 🙂

  6. OMG too cute! I’ve been meaning to make something like this for my kids too. They’re really in to dress ups and superheroes. Though my daughter’s would have to include a crown so she could be “Super Princess”!

  7. This is such a perfect gift and Yuki is the coolest! Their play at this age really is wonderful, isn’t it. I wish Yuki and Ame could get together for some superhero / プリキュア adventure 🙂

  8. That is so cute, and the poses are adorable! I can see that she LOVES her present! Well done! Its super cute. I bet she will get loads and loads of fun out of that!

    • Yeah! It’s so fun and since it’s just for play, the props/costumes don’t even have to be perfect! I’m trying to build up a “dress up bin” so I’ve got a few other costume ideas on my list 🙂

  9. She is adorable with all of her poses. My oldest is just really starting to like to pretend and I love this idea. I have started a dress up bin with a store bought cape and his halloween costume (homeade woody from toy story). He loved the costume. I am glad I made it a little to big so he can wear it for a while.

    • That’s great!! I’m trying to do the same (making a dress up bin). So far, Yuki has some cat ears, Minnie mouse ears and a firefighter costume (all store bought) and now she has this superhero costume. I have a fairy costume that I’ll give to her eventually and I want to make some kitchen/chef stuff and a magicians hat/wand too 🙂

      • Just the other day I gave my son an apron and we played with his kitchen. I forgot about tha until you said something about making some chef stuff. He loved it. I bet Yuki will love it.

  10. Pingback: Collage 15: I love Superheroes! Part II | A Little Typical

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