Thuggish Giraffe



I’m not sure enough people know about these two issues yet.

First:  A Dutch zoo has killed a healthy giraffe because they didn’t want it around anymore.  They said they had enough, they were worried about inbreeding and they didn’t want to sterilize it.  I don’t think it’s fair.  I think if society deems it necessary to cage animals then we’re also responsible for their health, well being and their lives.

Second:  Everyone probably knows about this one at this point.  Shades of George Zimmerman, a man got into an altercation with some kids, who are black, and shot and killed one of them…in Florida.

It seems in Florida not only is it legal to kill a black kid based upon his “threatening attire”, now they can be shot based upon their “thuggish” music.  The man who shot the kid, yes he’s admitted doing so, says they had a gun though none has been found.

This does come down to race.  When was the last time someone shot at a bunch of white kids playing bad music?  And yes, white kids play bad music.  Hell it’s all they know.

This cartoon was work.  I’m never drawing a giraffe again.  So many dots.  I’m also swearing off cheetahs…..until next time.

2 thoughts on “Thuggish Giraffe

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  1. I love the cartoon, but, as the descendant of folks who staggered off a boat in Nieuw Amsterdam more than 370 years ago, I feel honor bound to point out that this outrage occured in a zoo in Denmark, not the Netherlands.
    Big, big difference.
    In all fairness, the Danes have hitherto had an excellent record for decent behavior. It was a real surprise that this came out of Copenhagen.


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