It’s a Spooky Halloween

Happy Halloween, everyone.  That’s from all of us here at the zoo…you know, me, Spook, and Scout (or, as she’s affectionately known, the Baby Goat).

Spooky Halloween

Spooky Halloween


Spook has a Halloween costume.  She hates it.  And looking at this, you can probably understand why.  Poor kitty forced to wear something so undignified.


I’ve never managed to put Scout in any kind of a costume.  She’s much bigger and stronger than Spook and doesn’t hesitate to use her strength to avoid doing anything she doesn’t want to do.  Wearing a costume would be high on that list.  However…


part vampire?

part vampire?


…like Dracula, she has fangs and isn’t afraid to use them.

Happy Halloween from my little monsters…happy haunting, y’all!


4 Responses

  1. Those are some spooky fangs. I hope the cats get lots of treats. 🙂

    • Believe it or not, she was trying to pull the stopper out of a stability ball…thank goodness she’s stopped doing that. She ruined two balls before she grew out of that behavior. But I thought that was a good picture of her fangs!

  2. […] It’s a Spooky Halloween ( […]

  3. Spook looks cute in her little get-up. You’re right, she doesn’t look happy about it.

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