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Ontario Provincial Police

Police provincial de lOntario

Communications and Technology Services Bureau

Bureau de gestion de communication et technologie
Lincoln M. Alexander Building 777 Memorial Ave. Orillia ON L3V 7V3 ele!hone" #l#!hone$ %acsimile" #l#co!ieur$ %ile Num/er"0#f#rence: Edifice Lincoln M. Alexander 777, avenue Memorial Orillia ON L3V 7V3 &7'() 3*+,-.77 &7'() 3*+,-.7(3'

March 14, 2014 Mister John Traversy Secretary General Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission Les Terrasses de la Chaudi re 1 !romenade du !orta"e Gatineau #C J$% 4&1 Re: Wireless Service Provider notification of Text with 9-1-1 transmission 'ear Mr( Traversy, !lease acce)t the *ollo+in" letter on ,ehal* o* the -ntario !rovincial !olice .-!!/ )ursuant to the CRTC directive to ,e"in transmittin" Te0t +ith 1-1-1 calls as o* March 1$, 2014( 2n the communication )rovide ,y &ell Canada in 3mer"ency 4"ency 2n*ormation 5)date 6 &ulletin 7144 6 Te0t +ith 1-1-1 5)date dated March 11, 2014, the -ntario !rovincial !olice +ere noti*ied that !u,lic Sa*ety 4ns+er !oints .!S4!s/ may receive +ireless calls +ith a T%3 or T%8 class o* service( The -!! has ,een en"a"ed and +or9in" dili"ently to+ards ma9in" the necessary net+or9 and system u)"rades to convert *rom le"acy 1-1-1 systems to the ne+ 2nternet !rotocol .2!/ data net+or9 to )rovide services such as T1-1-1 to the 'ea*, :ard o* :earin" and S)eech 2m)aired .'::S2/ community( 2n s)ite o* our ,est e**orts, +e and many !S4!s across Canada +ill not ,e ready( 4s o* March 1$, 2014, '::S2 su,scri,ers +ho initiate a T1-1-1 call +ill ,e transmitted to !S4!s re"ardless o* the status o* their net+or9 conversion( 1-1-1 -)erators +ill ,e res)onsi,le to determine the class o* service desi"nation +hich +ill distin"uish a re"istered '::S2 caller( ;ithout connectivity to 2! net+or9, 1-1-1 -)erators +ill have limited means to communicate +ith the '::S2 caller( !roceedin" +ith the transmission o* T1-1-1 calls to !S4!s *urther decreases the already tenuous )u,lic-sa*ety con*idence the '::S2 community e0)eriences( There is "reat ris9 that many ,elieve the 1-1-1 system can )rovide *ast and e**ective res)onse to emer"encies, +hen the technolo"ical reality is <uite the o))osite( 1 -ntario !rovincial !olice Res)onse

!S4!s )reviously re<uested the CRTC consider the im)lementation o* )rovince +ide roll out o* T1-1-1 services to ensure mem,ers o* the '::S2 community +ere assured o* service in all areas o* each )rovince( Rather, !S4!s +ere assured that '::S2 re"istrants +ould ,e educated to the )otential service limitations as net+or9 conversions occur across the country( 5)on revie+ o* the Te0t +ith 1-1-1 +e,site, it=s clear educational materials create consumer e0)ectations that !S4!s still utili>in" the le"acy 1-1-1 net+or9 sim)ly cannot )rovide( The -ntario !rovincial !olice is an active mem,er o* the 3mer"ency Services ;or9in" Grou) .3S;G/ and remains committed to im)rovin" the <uality and accessi,ility o* 1-1-1 services across -ntario and Canada( ;e ur"ently and res)ect*ully re<uest the CRTC either reverses the decision or discoura"es the )ractice o* sendin" Te0t +ith 1-1-1 calls on le"acy 1-1-1 net+or9s( Sincerely,

Communications and Technolo"y Services &ureau ?ra

2 -ntario !rovincial !olice Res)onse

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