Friday, March 7, 2014

Why A Closed School Is Better Than An Open One

By: David Coleman

The reason why a closed school is better than an open one is very simple. For one it keeps the students who would leave on their own in check. It's simple really, if this was an open school, students can leave at any time they want with no consequences.

 In a closed school you are not permitted to leave school grounds until the last bell which is at 2:56, if you do so you will be given mild to severe consequences depending upon the situation.

 Another reason is that it keeps out unwanted visitors from roaming the campus freely. In an open school any one can come and go, meaning any one no matter who they are can walk onto our grounds. Having a closed schools means we keep out intruders armed or not.

 Basically any one who comes without intentions to learn or do good. I say this because there are a lot of crazy and dangerous people out there and having a closed school keeps us safe.

Going back to my first reason, the third reason is because if students were able to leave at any given time then how many students would take advantage of that and ditch all the time? I am pretty sure a lot would, so in being an open school those who leave would not get the education they need later on during the year and in life.

If they don't have the education they can't graduate and or get a decent job. It may be fun and cool to have an open school but it's not fun and games when you make less than a janitor because you don't have the education you decided to skip school or even just a class for.

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