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Remember that Utah high school that Photoshopped higher necklines and sleeves onto yearbook photos of its female students, saying they violated the dress code? That same school apparently let its male students go shirtless and show their boxers on another page in the yearbook (via Jezebel).

The shirtless photos were featured on a page titled "Wasatch Stud Life," with male students' underwear and tattoos clearly visible. One of the female students whose shirt was edited also had a tasteful tattoo airbrushed out of her picture.

I'd just like to point out that, despite its very conservative dress code for women, this school has less stringent male dress code policies than a 7-Eleven. If I have to wear a shirt to get a Slurpee, I should also probably have to wear a shirt to be in a Utah high school that supposedly takes its dress code very seriously.

Utah High School Photoshops Female Students' Yearbook Pics
Girl Kicked Out of Prom Because Dads Found Her Too Sexy

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Photo credit: WHS Yearbook

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Cosmo Frank
I am a human male that enjoys consuming meals consisting of all five food groups and fulfilling every level of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. I write about sex-having.