Legal Internship Programme

Thursday 24 October 2024

Internship opportunities are available for undergraduate and postgraduate law students, as well as newly qualified lawyers, at the International Bar Association’s offices in The Hague and Washington DC.

For positions based in the UK (London Office), these internships are open to individuals for whom participation is a formal requirement of their university program, as part of their academic curriculum. Remote internship opportunities may be available for students outside of the UK, where the placement is voluntary and provides valuable work experience.

Founded in 1947, the International Bar Association (IBA) is the world's largest organisation of law societies, bar associations, law firms and individual lawyers. The IBA is involved with cutting edge issues affecting the international legal community and as an intern you can become involved in the work of the Association.

Click here to find out more about the IBA.

Financial Assistance

Financial Assistance

You will need to be able to support yourself whilst interning with the IBA, however there are some financial grants available for the London office and The Hague interns.

Financial Assistance

Intern Newsletters

Intern Newsletters

The IBA Intern Newsletter was created in 2020 and every intern from each programme are invited to submit a short article on a topic of their choice, which is included in the newsletter.


Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

You will need to be able to support yourself whilst interning with the IBA, however there are some financial grants available for the London office and The Hague interns.


Contact us

Contact us

If you have any further queries, please contact us.

Contact us

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Lydia Odedeji, IBA Intern, Sept-Dec 2024

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Jonathan Carden, IBA Intern, Sept-Nov 2024

"I thoroughly enjoyed my internship with the IBAHRI, and I feel that I have learned a lot. The team were incredibly welcoming, helpful, and generous with their guidance. As interns we were included in many interesting projects, and we got to engage with a wide range of pressing and fascinating legal topics and issues. I had high hopes for this internship, but it has in fact exceeded my expectations."

Grace, December 2024

"This internship was more than just a professional experience—it was a journey of learning, self-discovery, and making meaningful contributions to the legal profession. I leave with a profound sense of gratitude and an even stronger commitment to pursuing a career in international law."

Arista, Dec 2024