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Aughts boyband O-Town announced a reunion and promised new music last year, but it's been a slow-moving process — only this week have they released a new official band photo. This second time around they're a foursome; for reasons undisclosed, Ashley Parker Angel and his heartthrob frosted tips declined the chance to get back together. (Which means the O-Town classic "All or Nothing" is ALL LIES, basically.) There are no hard feelings, apparently, just a deep sense of loss and maybe longing. Anyway, here's what the band looks like now, because it's always fascinating to see how pretty people thwart the ravages of time:

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Via Billboard, this is Trevor, Erik, Jacob, and Dan a decade later — Jacob doesn't have dreadlocks anymore, and Trevor doesn't seem to own shoes. Footwear or not, though, the group have just announced the first set of dates for a tour this November, and are apparently working on new music too. Sure, you'd be happy to listen to them sing "Liquid Dreams" 17 times in a row in concert, but it'd probably get a bit dull for them.

P.S. If you'd like to know what Ashley looks like, peruse his Instagram feed. He actually hasn't aged AT ALL.

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Photo credit: Tim Roney/Getty Images; Nick Caster/CastFam Inc