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Kendall Jenner and Justin Bieber went out for sushi on Monday night, and before you start thinking that's some kind of double entendre for something nasty, know that Kendall's pal Hailey Baldwin (niece of Alec) was also present. Us Weekly reports that the trio shared a two-hour dinner at Nobu 57 in New York City, and that Bieber left before the two girls. According to their source, everyone shared miso soup, which should help to crush further rumors that this was a date — no one in the history of the world has ever eaten soup on a date and lived to get a second one.

While this dinner seems to have been totally platonic, there is some speculation that Kendall's budding friendship with Justin is one of the reasons Selena Gomez went on her Great Unfollowing Spree of 2014 and erased Kendall and Kylie from her Instagram account. Maybe they all just need to talk it out over some $25 salad.

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Photo credit: Getty Images