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Calaveras County Fire
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The season’s dry weather, compounded by one of the worst droughts in California history, has Cal Fire spokesperson Lynn Tolmachoff reminding Placer County residents that what they do to their yards now can help prevent a devastating fire.

Cal Fire requires a defensible space barrier, 30 feet around homes of a “Lean, clean, and green zone” with no flammable vegetation, and 70 more feet of a “reduced fuel zone”.

This outer zone requires homeowners to:

  • Remove lower tree branches at least six feet from ground
  • Maintain all plants with water, keeping dead branches, leaves, and needles removed.
  • Design landscapes with fire resistant plants.

For more on keeping the space around your home ready for the fire season, check out Cal-Fire’s website: DEFENSIBLE SPACE.

Collin Poseley contributed to this report.