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“If you don’t want to be around, you don’t have to be. But just let us know that you’re out there, that you’re safe.”

UPDATE: Aubrey’s car found, officers find a body inside

That was the emotional plea from Edward Andrews this weekend directed at his nine-month pregnant wife Aubrey.

She hasn’t been seen since December 6.

But court documents FOX40 uncovered may shed light on why there’s been no communication.

In January of this year Aubrey filed for a temporary restraining order against Edward, claiming physical and emotional abuse.

The document states Edward pushed her against a crib, breaking it, and threw her to the ground. All of it happened in front of the couple’s three-year-old child.

Other documents show a custody battle between the two, with Aubrey asking Edward not be left alone with their son until he goes through a mental evaluation and continuous counseling.

But Aubrey disappeared without taking her son with her.

In May Aubrey even filed for divorce, but later decided to cancel it.

Edward declined to speak to us about problems with his marriage tonight, hinting she could just need time alone when we spoke with him on Saturday.

“She just needs to be away and just wants to be away from family and friends for now. Then at least have someone reach out to us and let us know that she’s safe,” Edward said.

Edward’s brother tells us off camera for now the family would just like to focus on locating Aubrey, something police are trying to do.

“We’re following up on every single lead that we can. Investigators are hard at work and we defiantly understand the concern of the community and we are just as concerned,” said Justin Brown with the Sacramento Police Department.

A friend of Aubrey tells us she does have family in Arizona.

But that same friend also said she doesn’t have a “stable relationship with her mother, sister or brother.”

She is due to give birth in just 17 days.