Working from home- Why it sucks, and why coworking breathes-01

Well, I was working at home one day and this banner popped up: “Working from home sucks. Why not try coworking”. I was thinking about that. I first thought “What? Working with cows?” but I was going further in a search and finding out about Betacowork when my charming and supportive wife shouted up the stairs:

“Honey, seeing as you’re at home, can you take out the garbage and pass the Hoover.”
Take out the garbage.
Pass the Hoover.
That sucks.

So I went back to the video script I was working on and I was totally blocked for finding the big idea and, of course, my computer just decided to crash. No one to brainstorm with, no helpful I.T man to doctor my Mac.
That sucks!

So on my very first day at Betacowork I discovered something. It’s not about coworking space; it’s not about working with cows. It’s a village; it’s an international community.
Here’s four young American ladies doing breakfast in the kitchen (as only Americans can!) here are start-ups and introductions to sectors I never even knew existed.

I discovered a professional and helpful staff, a bright and comfortable working environment. I discovered people willing and able to doctor my Mac, and even people to brainstorm with!

I also discovered that the charming guy behind it all, Ramon, goes by the title of “Serendipity Accelerator” – I thought, “Wow, now there’s some good thinking behind that. And accelerating serendipity is what he does: through initiatives, events, barbeques, lunches – and fanatical networking. Through serendipity, I even found new clients!

If working from home sucks, coworking breathes. It breathes new life into your career. It breathes community spirit into your day. It breathes innovation and the future.
And no one’s going to ask you to take out the garbage.
You should try it for a day.

P.S. If you need a breath of fresh air in you copywriting, just let me know.


Jeremy Blezard, Copywriter & communications consultant