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Rochelle Ketchum is furious with staff at Kinder World preschool.

After smoke from an overhead light fixture filled one of the class rooms on Monday, employees evacuated the children.

“They’re supposed to make sure that every single person is out of the class room,” Ketchum said.

But Ketchum was later told her 4-year-old daughter Amiah your was left inside napping.

“I really want to know who was supposed to be watching that class at the time,” Ketchum said.

Ketchum believes it wasn’t until they were across the street before anyone noticed Amiah missing.

“When I talked to two of the teachers we were actually standing outside and I’m pointing, ‘So, you guys evacuated across the street?’ And they said yes,” Ketchum told FOX40.

Kinder World management adviser Dennis Vicars tells FOX40 that staff counted students leaving the classroom’s doorway, which is where they were when they noticed one child was missing.

And Vicars said the child was left alone sleeping for thirty seconds to a minute, max.

“They’re definitely changing their story because they told me they were across the street,” Ketchum said.

And Amiah herself says she remembers waking up completely alone.

Amiah says she waited a while before a teacher came and picked her up.

“I walked to the door and I was crying,” Amiah said.

The Sacramento Fire Department says there was no one left in the building by the time they arrived.

Meanwhile, Ketchum has pulled her daughter from the daycare.

“They need to take more precautions,” Ketchum said.