Google and Apple can pitch them as productivity tools all they want, but the real reason anyone would strap a smartwatch to their wrist is as a more covert way to kill time and avoid boredom. So it’s good to know that when your Twitter and Facebook feeds run dry, you can always boot up a Game Boy emulator on your Android Wear watch to stay distracted.
Android Wear devices have already been hacked to run Windows 95, and it turns out it’s the same 16-year-old web developer, Corbin Davenport, who’s responsible for getting this tiny Game Boy VBC emulator working on a Samsung Gear Live. To actually play games like Tetris or Pokemon you’ll need a Bluetooth gamepad as well, and before you complain about the screen being too small, remember that the Game Boy Micro’s two-inch display was almost as tiny as the Gear Live’s. [Corbin Davenport via Ubergizmo]