1 | Name | Entry Title | Award | Category | Club Name | Educational Institution | Advisor First Name | Advisor Last Name | Advisor Title |
2 | Barry Currey | Red Octopus Amber Ale | Silver | S01A - Packaging | AAF-Seattle | International Academy of Design and Technology | Brandon | Walker | Graphic Design Instructor |
3 | Catalin Corrigan | Converse Shoe Design Digital Tech Series | Silver | S01A - Packaging | AAF-Great Falls | Montana State University | Stephany | Newman | Professor |
4 | Darren Wood | Quiet by Susan Cain - Representational Book Cover | Silver | S05A - Cover | AAF-Great Falls | Montana State University | Meta | Newhouse | Professor |
5 | David St. John | Glidden Paint Strip Sculpture | Silver | S08A - Single | AT LARGE COMPETITION | BYU-Idaho | Beth | Hendricks | Professor |
6 | Diana Heryford | We're Burnin' Daylight | Silver | S05E - Book Design (Entire Book) | AAF-Great Falls | Montana State University | Jeffrey | Conger | Professor |
7 | Haley Van Heel | Film Festival Guerrilla Campaign | Silver | S08B - Campaign | AAF-Great Falls | Montana State University | Meta | Newhouse | |
8 | Kinsey White | The Official Guidebook for Espresso | Silver | S05E - Book Design (Entire Book) | AAF-Great Falls | Montana State University | Stephanie | Newman | |
9 | Kinsey White | Woman Fashion Icons Poster Series | Gold | S04B - Poster, Campaign | AAF-Great Falls | Montana State University | Stephanie | Newman | |
10 | Nikki Romero | Wildfire Prevention | Gold | S08B - Campaign | AAF-Great Falls | Montana State University | Nathan | Davis | Graphic Design Professor |
11 | Outi Pulkkinen | KSHMR website | Silver | S11A - Website | AAF-Great Falls | Montana State University | Patrick | Luther | |
12 | Patrick Marko | Words are stronger. | Silver | S14B - Consumer | AAF-Spokane | Spokane Falls Community College | Doug | Crabtree | |
13 | Rachel Harrington | ready.gov Awarness Campaign | Silver | S08B - Campaign | AAF-Great Falls | Montana State University | Meta | Newhouse | |
14 | Richard Lane | Big Brothers Big Sisters Guerrilla Campaign | Gold, Best of Show | S08B - Campaign | AAF-Great Falls | Montana State University | Meta | Newhouse | |
15 | Tony Kuchar | 12º | Gold | S08B - Campaign | AAF-Spokane | Eastern Washington University | Mindy | Breen |