Google is making it easier—and cheaper—to share with family members. For no additional charge, you can now share purchased apps, games, movies, TV shows, and books with up to six family members across Android, iOS, and the web. The offer has been rumored for months, and it’s now available to everyone with a Google Play account.
Once you sign up for the service, anything you buy will be added to a family account, and you can control exactly what is shared.
Of course, you might have noticed that this sweet deal excludes music, likely because Google still wants people to opt for its $15 Google Play Music family plan. Many streaming services, including Spotify, are also improving their family plans to allow more people to take advantage of purchased web services. Really it just removes the inconvenience of what most people do already—sharing accounts. I haven’t paid for Netflix in years, and it looks like I won’t be paying for Google Play movies anytime soon either.
Update: The service hasn’t quite launched yet but should be rolling out soon.