Dear potential research participant,

Please consider filling out this survey, which should take about five minutes to complete. We are interested in assessing the frequency with which JOINT antenatal counseling is provided between Obstetrics and Neonatology at the time of threatened preterm delivery in the periviable period, defined as 22-24 weeks gestation for the purposes of this survey. Secondary goals are to assess teaching and training that providers receive regarding periviability counseling.

We are sending this survey to Neonatology attendings, fellows, and hospitalists as well as Maternal-Fetal Medicine attendings, fellows and obsetricians. Your responses are anonymous without any request for names or identifying information, and participation is voluntary. Please note that by participating in this study you are giving consent for the researchers to publish aggregate results of the survey through presentation and/or publication of our findings. This study has been reviewed as exempt by Weill Cornell Medicine’s Institutional Review Board.

If you have questions about this survey you may contact Dr. Ericalyn Kasdorf at or Dr. Tracy Grossman at

Thank you for your time.

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