Survey: New resource topics

Conducted by

The IRIS Center

Vanderbilt University

We value the opinions and input of those who use IRIS Center resources and we incorporate this information into our work. The purpose of this survey is to discover what topics you would like to see addressed by NEW IRIS materials. We would also like to learn:

  • How you prefer to learn about changes or additions to the IRIS Website and its resources.
  • How you prefer we share information about the effective use of IRIS resources.

This survey is being conducted through Vanderbilt University for quality control purposes. Your participation is voluntary and no identifying information will be collected from you. We expect the survey to take approximately 10 minutes to complete. If you choose to participate, you may elect to skip any question you do not wish to answer. Please respond to the survey only once. Because there is no option to save it and return to it later, you will need to complete the survey in one sitting.

If you have any questions about this survey, please contact Dr. Janice Brown at (800) 831-6134. You can also reach her by email at

Thank you!

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