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Riassunto: TRU Simulation annuncia il ricevimento della prima consegna dell'Unit Training Device come da contratto di fornitura del Multi-Engine Training System Ground Based Training System; esercitate le opzioni contrattuali...
TAMPA, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- TRU Simulation annuncia il ricevimento della prima consegna dell'Unit Training Device come da contratto di fornitura del Multi-Engine Training System Ground Based Training System; esercitate le opzioni contrattuali per dispositivi e assistenza aggiuntivi TRU Simulation + Training Inc. oggi ha annunciato di aver ricevuto il primo di tre simulatori di Unit Training Device (UTD), parte del contratto relativo al Multi-Engine Training System (METS) Ground Based Traini...
Samenvatting: TRU Simulation kondigt acceptatie aan van de levering van First Unit Training Devices voor het Multi-Engine Training System Ground Based Training System Contract; contractopties uitgeoefend voor aanvullende apparaten en ondersteuning
TAMPA, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--TRU Simulation + Training Inc. kondigde vandaag de acceptatie aan van drie Unit Training Device-simulatoren (UTD) als onderdeel van het Multi-Engine Training System (METS) Ground Based Training System-contract (GBTS) door Naval Air Warfare Center – Training Systems Division (NAWCTSD). Daarnaast werd er een contractwijziging uitgeoefend en werden er opties toegevoegd die bij de toekenning van het basiscontract werden beschreven, waaronder het vernieuwen van twee UTD...
Samenvatting: Svante erkend als een van 's werelds beste GreenTech-bedrijven door TIME en Statista
VANCOUVER, Brits Columbia--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Svante Technologies Inc. (Svante), een pionier op het gebied van gestructureerde adsorptiefiltertechnologie voor het afvangen en verwijderen van koolstof, is door TIME en Statista uitgeroepen tot een van de “ World's Top GreenTech Companies of 2025" door TIME en Statista. Deze bekendmaking is officieel geldend in de originele brontaal. Vertalingen zijn slechts als leeshulp bedoeld en moeten worden vergeleken met de tekst in de brontaal, die als enige...
TRU Simulation anuncia a aceitação da entrega do primeiro dispositivo de treinamento da unidade para o contrato do sistema de treinamento terrestre do sistema de treinamento multimotor; opções de contrato exercidas...
TAMPA, Flórida--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- TRU Simulation anuncia a aceitação da entrega do primeiro dispositivo de treinamento da unidade para o contrato do sistema de treinamento terrestre do sistema de treinamento multimotor; opções de contrato exercidas para dispositivos e suporte adicionais A TRU Simulation + Training Inc. anunciou hoje a aceitação do primeiro dos três simuladores do dispositivo de treinamento da unidade (UTD) como parte do contrato do sistema de treinamento terrestre (GBTS) do si...
Mitsubishi Electric Researcher Named Kaggle Competitions Master in World’s Largest AI Competition
TOKYO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Mitsubishi Electric Corporation (TOKYO: 6503) announced today that Dr. Kenji Ueda, a researcher at the company’s Advanced Technology R&D Center in Japan, has been awarded the title of Kaggle Competitions Master by Kaggle, INC., a Google LLC subsidiary and the world’s largest AI competition platform. Kaggle medals recognize competitors who use superior skills in mathematical optimization or machine learning to develop effective solutions to challenges posed by compani...
Japan Spirits & Liqueurs Makers Association (JSLMA) Reinforces Standards for Labeling Japanese Whisky With New Logo
TOKYO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The Japan Spirits & Liqueurs Makers Association (JSLMA) announced the adoption of a new logo to reinforce their “Standards for Labeling Japanese Whisky” (industry standards), established in February 2021. By having JSLMA members apply this logo to their products that comply with the industry standards, the association hopes to raise awareness of Japanese whisky both in Japan and abroad while also making it easier for consumers to distinguish it from other types of wh...
FICO Survey: 1 in 4 Indonesian Consumers Report Losing Money to Scams via Real-Time Payments
JAKARTA, Indonesia--(BUSINESS WIRE)--(NYSE: FICO) Highlights More than half (56%) of consumers in Indonesia identified having better fraud detection systems as the most important action banks can take to protect them from scams One in four (23%) Indonesian consumers reported losing money to scams via RTP The share of high-value scam losses exceeding Rp 70 million (USD$4,300) has risen to 8% in 2024 – up from 1% in 2023 A new survey by global analytics software leader FICO highlights the rising...
Kao als einziges asiatisches Unternehmen zum 19. Mal in Folge auf der Liste der World’s Most Ethical Companies®
TOKIO & DARMSTADT, Germany--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Kao Corporation, ein führender Hersteller von Körperpflege- und Kosmetikprodukten sowie Haushaltsprodukten und Spezialchemikalien, wurde als eine der World's Most Ethical Companies® 2025 ausgezeichnet. Der Titel wird von dem Ethisphere Institut verliehen, einer weltweit führenden Organisation zur Definition und Förderung ethischer Geschäftspraktiken. Die Liste der World's Most Ethical Companies® ehrt Unternehmen, die sich durch Transparenz, Integritä...
Kao is the Only Asian Company Recognized as One of the World’s Most Ethical Companies® for 19th Consecutive Year
TOKYO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Kao Corporation (TOKYO:4452), a leading manufacturer of personal care and household products, cosmetics and specialty chemicals, has been named one of the World’s Most Ethical Companies® 2025 by Ethisphere, a global leader in defining and advancing the standards of ethical business practices. The World’s Most Ethical Companies® list honors companies excelling in transparency, integrity, ethics, and compliance. Kao is one of only six companies worldwide and the only Asian...
YES Pioneers Semiconductor Equipment Production in India
COIMBATORE, India--(BUSINESS WIRE)--YES Pioneers Semiconductor Equipment Production in India...