And go round and round and…

It is getting to that time when people reflect over the past year or make forecasts for the year ahead. Many people are preparing to take breaks, go on vacation or make the annual migration south, so it is time for my annual wrap up as well.

Over the past year, I have been just about as prolific in my writing on this blog with 102 posts in 2016, compared with 103 in 2015 and 109 in 2014, somewhat lower than the 132 posts I wrote in 2013. I continue to spend more time on Twitter [follow me: @mark_goldberg] and, now as the grandfather to two adorable little boys, I have to admit that I am doing my best to spend more time focused on other important matters.

My wish list for 2017 includes getting the federal government to demonstrate support for a program to increase the adoption of computers and broadband in low income households with school-aged children. Unfortunately, successive governments have continued to follow the same approach of distributing money toward expanding broadband supply, getting ever diminishing returns on their expenditures. In the meantime, hundreds of thousands of low income households continue to be without computers in Canada’s largest cities. Kids can’t do homework and compete if they don’t have access to a connected computer at home.

Rogers and TELUS launched programs on their own, but both would have benefited from the Federal Government assisting in identifying which households would benefit the most. It doesn’t take money, just leadership. It is my hope that government will soon recognize that broadband adoption rates are made up of a numerator (demand) and a denominator (supply); there is a lot of opportunity to be found in stimulating demand.

I look forward to writing about other carriers launching their own programs in the coming year.

While I am setting objectives for next year, I still wouldn’t mind losing 20 pounds, but I suspect my grandsons will appreciate having a soft place to rest when we take naps “watching the game” together on Sunday afternoons.

For 36 years, I have been part of the telecommunications sector, experiencing (and in some cases leading) dynamic changes that have made each day interesting. There are certain to be many more twists in the coming year. I look forward to continuing to engage with you and I hope that I will continue to provoke you to explore different perspectives on the sector in 2017.

Over the break, take a little time to check out my “innovations from telecom” series. Over the past 6 weeks (and I plan to continue again through January) each day I have been tweeting an innovation that emerged from the telecom sector that has impacted society. It is part of the run-up to The 2017 Canadian Telecom Summit (June 5-7, Toronto), which will be looking at “Competition, Investment and Innovation: Driving Canada’s Digital Future.”

Have a safe, healthy and peaceful holiday season.

2 thoughts on “And go round and round and…”

  1. With the Financial Post reporting today that the CRTC is going to release its ruling in what constitutes basic telecom service this Wednesday your holiday season may not be as peaceful and restful as you’re hoping it will be.

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