Danielle Smith’s latest attempt to own the libs will cost Alberta

Danielle Smith’s latest attempt to own the libs will cost Alberta

“Some of you may die, but it’s a sac­ri­fice I am will­ing to make.” That’s the famous line said by Lord Far­quaad in the Shrek movie that’s since become a pop­u­lar meme, and it might as well have been what Alber­ta Pre­mier Danielle…

Danielle Smith’s Big Pierre Poilievre Problem

Danielle Smith’s Big Pierre Poilievre Problem

Aba­cus Data’s lat­est polling has the fed­er­al Con­ser­v­a­tives out to their biggest…

Canada’s Arctic defence policy update: All flash, no bang

Canada’s Arctic defence policy update: All flash, no bang

The Cana­di­an government’s recent defence pol­i­cy update, Our North: Strong and Free,…

Budget 2024: Brampton calls for collaboration on infrastructure, security, housing and supports for asylum-seekers

Budget 2024: Brampton calls for collaboration on infrastructure, security, housing and supports for…

As the may­or of Bramp­ton, Canada’s fastest-grow­ing large city and a crit­i­cal…

The carbon tax is almost dead, and NDP leaders are helping to kill it

The carbon tax is almost dead, and NDP leaders are helping to kill it

The car­bon price is a dead tax walk­ing. NDP lead­ers Jag­meet Singh and Wab Kinew…

Trudeau's pre-budget dance isn't impressing the audience

Trudeau's pre-budget dance isn't impressing the audience

Since 2015, Justin Trudeau has been a Pied Piper, play­ing a tune jaun­ty…

Canadian conservatives have more than just newfound confidence on their side

Canadian conservatives have more than just newfound confidence on their side

Back when the annu­al Cana­da Strong and Free Con­fer­ence, which wrapped up Fri­day,…

We must demand greater accountability from police

We must demand greater accountability from police

This is your reg­u­lar six-month pub­lic ser­vice announce­ment that the RCMP lacks…

Canada’s salute to militarism is sad

Canada’s salute to militarism is sad

Let us lament the decline of Cana­di­an for­eign pol­i­cy now sub­sumed into Canada’s…

Justin Trudeau is doing everything he can to gain traction. Is it working?

Justin Trudeau is doing everything he can to gain traction. Is it working?

The prime min­is­ter is not get­ting ahead in pub­lic opin­ion polls. Could he still be…

Pierre Poilievre had a very good week — thanks to Justin Trudeau and Jagmeet Singh playing follow the leader

Pierre Poilievre had a very good week — thanks to Justin Trudeau and Jagmeet Singh playing follow…

Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre may not have, in his words, Prime Min­is­ter…

The Long Game

The Long Game

This week we learned what Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau knew about inter­fer­ence by…

Banning abortions in 2024? History tells us what this is really about

Banning abortions in 2024? History tells us what this is really about

When Arizona’s Supreme Court rein­stat­ed an abor­tion ban this week, it yanked…

Political Pulse Panel: Carbon tax partisan split and foreign interference

Political Pulse Panel: Carbon tax partisan split and foreign interference

Fred DeLorey, the for­mer cam­paign man­ag­er for the Con­ser­v­a­tive Par­ty of Cana­da,…

The doctor Trudeau dumped has a prescription for better health care

The doctor Trudeau dumped has a prescription for better health care

She has the right to hold a grudge, but declines to take any cheap shots. Dr. Jane…

Ask Justin Trudeau about foreign interference and he’ll tell you about Pierre Poilievre

Ask Justin Trudeau about foreign interference and he’ll tell you about Pierre Poilievre

Justin Trudeau arrived at the for­eign inter­fer­ence inquiry this week wear­ing two…

Poilievre promises the conservative faithful all their Canadian dreams will soon come true

Poilievre promises the conservative faithful all their Canadian dreams will soon come true

The more inevitable Poilievre’s vic­to­ry seems, the more point­ed the ques­tions become…

It’s no wonder a national security official felt compelled to leak information to the media

It’s no wonder a national security official felt compelled to leak information to the media

When infor­ma­tion about China’s inter­fer­ence in Cana­di­an pol­i­tics was leaked to…

Justin Trudeau brings That Guy with him to the public inquiry on foreign interference

Justin Trudeau brings That Guy with him to the public inquiry on foreign interference

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau was on the first sen­tence of his first answer at the…

Conservative MPs display statesmanlike behaviour – not!

Conservative MPs display statesmanlike behaviour – not!

Char­lie Angus has been a mem­ber of Par­lia­ment for 20 years. First elect­ed…

What happens when Trudeau can't blame the premiers, NIMBYs or disinfo?

What happens when Trudeau can't blame the premiers, NIMBYs or disinfo?

An evolv­ing line of defence we see from the fed­er­al Lib­er­als is that they’re…

Justin Trudeau should say yes to a carbon tax showdown

Justin Trudeau should say yes to a carbon tax showdown

Pierre Poilievre and the provin­cial pre­miers are spoil­ing for yet anoth­er fight over…

It's a shame we didn't have Trudeau's testimony on foreign interference earlier. Much earlier

It's a shame we didn't have Trudeau's testimony on foreign interference earlier. Much earlier

A half-hour into his appear­ance before the pub­lic inquiry into for­eign inter­fer­ence,…

Reaction in Canada to Israel-Palestine war has me feeling spiritually homeless and disconnected

Reaction in Canada to Israel-Palestine war has me feeling spiritually homeless and disconnected

The last few months have shown me that the Israel-Pales­tine war has changed what…

Canada must be a leader in response to Ugandan anti-LGBTQ+ laws

Canada must be a leader in response to Ugandan anti-LGBTQ+ laws

Last week, near­ly a year to the day since Ugan­da passed its lat­est dra­con­ian…

Justin Trudeau owes the Premiers a meeting

Justin Trudeau owes the Premiers a meeting

One of the best things Justin Trudeau could do to show how wrong the pre­miers are on…

Open letter to Ministers Freeland and Holland: Renowned type 1 diabetes researchers emphasize the importance of research funding
Liberals have a chance to reverse their fiscal doom spiral. Expect them to pass

Liberals have a chance to reverse their fiscal doom spiral. Expect them to pass

Canada’s cov­et­ed triple‑A cred­it rat­ing is in dan­ger, but a gov­ern­ment with…

Danielle Smith punches back against Justin Trudeau — again

Danielle Smith punches back against Justin Trudeau — again

Pre­mier Danielle Smith insists she is not look­ing for a fight but if Prime…

Mark Carney offers a preview of what he’d look like as Justin Trudeau’s successor — and what he’d stand for

Mark Carney offers a preview of what he’d look like as Justin Trudeau’s successor — and what he’d…

Mark Car­ney has joined the cho­rus of voic­es ask­ing Justin Trudeau to call…

Horrendous death of three women brings some action on gender-based violence, but there’s a long way to go The Ontario government has deeply disappointed anti-violence advocates by refusing to

Horrendous death of three women brings some action on gender-based violence, but there’s a long way…

You have to ask: how many women have to die before Cana­di­ans start tak­ing inti­mate…

Canada’s new defence policy commits to exploring, instead of committing

Canada’s new defence policy commits to exploring, instead of committing

Cana­da is promis­ing to pump bil­lions into the mil­i­tary. The Lib­er­al government’s…

Doug Ford is dumbing down Ontario

Doug Ford is dumbing down Ontario

There’s fierce com­pe­ti­tion in the unof­fi­cial race for Canada’s most dan­ger­ous…

How to navigate post-fact politics: skeptically, but attentively

How to navigate post-fact politics: skeptically, but attentively

Any­one look­ing for evi­dence that we live in a post-pol­i­cy, post-fact,…

Who can stop Benjamin Netanyahu?

Who can stop Benjamin Netanyahu?

The stag­ger­ing death toll of Israel’s war of rage and vengeance demands an answer…

Dismissal of Royal Bank CFO is no run-of-the-mill firing

Dismissal of Royal Bank CFO is no run-of-the-mill firing

When cor­po­ra­tions have bad news to deliv­er, they often put it out late on…

Why Pierre Poilievre’s over-the-top attacks on Justin Trudeau is bad for the country

Why Pierre Poilievre’s over-the-top attacks on Justin Trudeau is bad for the country

There’s been some crit­i­cism of Con­ser­v­a­tive leader Pierre Poilievre because he…

Government bans on social media will only make them more desirable

Government bans on social media will only make them more desirable

Will Rogers has an old joke about Pro­hi­bi­tion: ​“Why don’t they pass…

Foreign interference goes far beyond federal elections

Foreign interference goes far beyond federal elections

While the for­eign inter­fer­ence inquiry head­ed by Com­mis­sion­er Marie-Josee Hogue…

Justin Trudeau is getting impatient, and it shows

Justin Trudeau is getting impatient, and it shows

Justin Trudeau’s impa­tience is show­ing. It’s more than just the jump-start Trudeau has…

Why should Indigenous Canadians not be entitled to the same rights as other Canadians?

Why should Indigenous Canadians not be entitled to the same rights as other Canadians?

“Every­one has the fol­low­ing fun­da­men­tal free­doms,” the Cana­di­an Char­ter of…

MPs targeted by China describe eerie patterns at foreign interference inquiry

MPs targeted by China describe eerie patterns at foreign interference inquiry

Every­one has been on the receiv­ing end of a social cold shoul­der when you start…

Trudeau's seeking shelter from the housing storm he created

Trudeau's seeking shelter from the housing storm he created

For the fourth day in a row, Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau took a cab­i­net…