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Last active May 6, 2021 00:47
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Take advantage of Siri Shortcuts, suggestions and smart reminders by setting a NSUserActivity to your UIViewController or any other UIResponder subclass.
// UIResponder+UserActivity.swift
import UIKit
import CoreSpotlight
import MapKit
public extension UIResponder {
@discardableResult public func setUserActivity(_ activityType: String,
title: String,
contentDescription: String? = nil,
thumbnailData: Data? = nil,
userInfo: [AnyHashable : Any] = [:],
requiredKeys: Set<String> = Set<String>(),
needsSave: Bool = false,
webpageURL: URL? = nil,
referrerURL: URL? = nil,
expiration: Date? = nil,
displayName: String? = nil,
keywords: Set<String> = Set<String>(),
continuationStreams: Bool = false,
delegate: NSUserActivityDelegate? = nil,
becomeCurrent: Bool = true,
search: Bool = true,
handoff: Bool = true,
publicIndexing: Bool = true,
prediction: Bool = true,
persistentIdentifier: String? = nil,
suggestedInvocationPhrase: String? = nil,
mapItem: MKMapItem? = nil,
attributeSet: CSSearchableItemAttributeSet = CSSearchableItemAttributeSet(itemContentType: kUTTypeItem as String),
supportsNavigation: Bool = true,
supportsPhoneCall: Bool = true) -> NSUserActivity {
let userActivity = NSUserActivity(activityType: activityType)
attributeSet.contentDescription = contentDescription
attributeSet.thumbnailData = thumbnailData
attributeSet.displayName = displayName ?? title
attributeSet.keywords = Array(keywords)
userActivity.contentAttributeSet = attributeSet
userActivity.contentAttributeSet?.supportsNavigation = NSNumber(value: supportsNavigation)
userActivity.contentAttributeSet?.supportsPhoneCall = NSNumber(value: supportsPhoneCall)
userActivity.title = title
userActivity.userInfo = userInfo
userActivity.requiredUserInfoKeys = requiredKeys
userActivity.needsSave = needsSave
userActivity.webpageURL = webpageURL
if #available(iOS 11.0, *) {
userActivity.referrerURL = referrerURL
if let expiration = expiration {
userActivity.expirationDate = expiration
userActivity.keywords = keywords
userActivity.supportsContinuationStreams = continuationStreams
userActivity.delegate = delegate
userActivity.isEligibleForSearch = search
userActivity.isEligibleForHandoff = handoff
userActivity.isEligibleForPublicIndexing = publicIndexing
if #available(iOS 12.0, *) {
userActivity.isEligibleForPrediction = prediction
userActivity.persistentIdentifier = persistentIdentifier ?? activityType
#if swift(>=4.2)
userActivity.suggestedInvocationPhrase = suggestedInvocationPhrase
if let mapItem = mapItem {
userActivity.mapItem = mapItem
self.userActivity = userActivity
if becomeCurrent {
return userActivity
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