The Nintendo Switch Online phone app finally launches on July 21st alongside Splatoon 2

The Nintendo Switch online app finally has a confirmed release date: July 21. The app is designed as an extension (and requirement) for using Switch online services, with game-specific features that increase your engagement in the iOS/Android app.

In Splatoon 2’s case, the Switch Online app lets you chat with friends, see rankings, keep track of winning stats and, of course, organize online group or private matches. Nintendo is calling this portion of the game SplatNet 2 — which makes sense, to be honest.

To start playing online, Switch owners will have to pay $19.99 per year, $7.99 for three months or $3.99 monthly. In other words, a subscription is the second requirement (the first is having the app) to use the console’s online multi-player features.

Nintendo plans to detail more about the online service in the coming months.


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