Charity begins at home (#DigitalTransformation)

The term Digital Transformation is very strongly associated with the latest in technological development. Concepts as Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, Automatic Learning, Big Data, Robots and others, are the ones that capture that topic of conversation and debate.

However, it seems to me that it is precisely this approach, strongly focused on them which, in many cases, hampers and delays the digital transformation in companies.

TDIBecause this change is so trending nowadays, it is above all, a cultural change that must affect the whole organization and from there, focus on the strategy to improve the customer experience, for which the full potential will be used available at the moment.
Another point to take into account, before starting the road of transformation: culture, customers and technology are constantly changing.

What does the organization need to be able to satisfy an increasingly changing and demanding customer?

We have witnessed, on more than one occasion, how strong and powerful organizations in the late twentieth century have collapsed during these first two decades of the twenty-first century. And it is very easy to fall into the trap of thinking that innovative solutions are being generated, when what is done is try to insert in models of this century, paradigms of the last century.

InfraFailIt is not possible to think, for example, that a web page to sell through it, can be implemented with the same practices as a physical store. Without a suitable digital strategy oriented to this new public (it is necessary to be clear that they are not the same that go physically to the premises), without an infrastructure and agile business architecture and a specific logistics for this new dynamics, the attempt goes right to failure .

A recurring example of this is the Blockbuster case.

That is why digital transformation is easier for emerging or very agile companies to change. In traditional ones it is more complicated by the heavy backpack of past convictions and «successes».

So the first thing to do is look inward and see if we are ready to start an External Digital Transformation, because if we want to have a better chance in this wild world of change, we must have a solid internal base on which to support all Changes to be made and the speed to be made.

The steps that I suggest for this work of Internal Digital Transformation, are the following:

  • Be aware that nowadays the users of the systems area want the same as our customers. In fact you have to treat them as such, and therefore put together an IT strategy aimed at meeting your needs and improving your user experience.
  • Look for allies in the organization, so that the traditional friction between users and systems is broken.
  • Next, prepare to move quickly and safely to the solutions that the organization needs: Infrastructure (cloud, hyper-convergence), Comprehensive information security architecture (information, not only access to the network), streamlining and automation of internal processes, among others.

The bottom line is to incorporate in us the idea is that customers have changed and require the business to meet their needs.

That users are the customers of IT and …

Charity starts at home


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