Healthy Holiday Party Tips

| Holiday

The holidays are in full swing, which means lots of family, fun and food, but it doesn’t have to mean eating unhealthy. Even holiday treats can fit into a healthy eating plan. The key is balance and moderation. When it comes to holiday party eating here are a few tips to help you enjoy yourself but also keep it healthy.

Bring a Dish.  Offer to bring a low-calorie dish to holiday parties. Your host might appreciate it, and you’ll know that at least one healthy item will be on hand.

Add a few vegetables and/or fruit. There are often lots of things offered at a holiday party. Start with vegetables and fruit. Skip the dip for both items to avoid calories and fat. This is a good way to get started and make sure that you eat a balanced meal while there.

Trim the dessert.  You can scrape lots of calories off treats and still enjoy the experience.  Scrape off the icing off a piece of carrot cake and save 245 calories.  Eat pie without the crust and save 120 calories.

Take small portions.  Your holiday plate does not need to be piled high.  Take small portions, use a smaller plate, eat slowly and wait a little while before you go back for seconds.

Watch the liquid calories.  Holiday celebrations can translate into lots of extra calories from drinks you don’t normally consume.  For example, 1 cup of Eggnog can have up to 340 calories. It is okay to enjoy these drinks every once in a while, but don’t make it an everyday holiday occurrence.  Have a glass of water, apple cider, or cranberry juice and club soda. .

Eat before you Party.  To prevent you from eating everything at your holiday social functions, eat small light meals throughout the day.  That way when you arrive at the party you won’t want to eat everything in sight.

Mingle!  Don’t park yourself in front of the buffet at a party. If you stand by the buffet, you’ll eat more than you would if it was across the room. Instead work hard to meet new people, talk to those you have never talked to, and use this time to talk to those you rarely talk to.

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