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Alexander Pushkin Alexander Pushkin > Quotes


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“У лукоморья дуб зеленый;
Златая цепь на дубе том:
И днем и ночью кот ученый
Всё ходит по цепи кругом;
Идет направо — песнь заводит,
Налево — сказку говорит.

Alexander Pushkin

I love you – I love you, e’en as I
Rage at myself for this obsession,
And as I make my shamed confession,
Despairing at your feet I lie.
I know, I know – It ill becomes me,
I am too old, time to be wise …
But how? … This love – it overcomes me,
A sickness this in passion’s guise.
When you are near I’m filled with sadness,
When far, I yawn, for life’s a bore.
I must pour out this love, this madness,
There’s nothing that I long for more!
When your shirts rustle, when, my angel,
Your girlish voice I hear, when your
Light step sounds in the parlour – strangely,
I turn confused, perturbed, unsure.
Your frown – and I’m in pain, I languish;
You smile – and joy defeats distress;
My one reward for a day’s anguish
Comes when your, pale hand, love, I kiss.
When you sit, bent over your sewing,
Your eyes cast down and fine curls blowing.
About your face, with tenderness
I like childlike watch, my heart o’erflowing
With love, in my gaze a caress.
Shall I my jealousy and yearning
Describe, my bitterness and woe
When by yourself on some bleak morning
Off on a distant walk you go,
Or with another spend the evening
And, with him near, the piano play,
Or for Opochka leave, or, grieving
Weep and in silence, pass the day?
Alina! Pray relent have mercy!
I dare not ask for love – with all
My many sins, both great and small,
I am perhaps of love unworthy!
But if feigned love, if you would
Pretend, you’d easily deceive me,
For happily would I, believe me,
Deceive myself if but I could!”
Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin
“قال بوشكين فى قصيدته "إلى شادَييف"ـ

ومادامت شعلة الحرية تحيا فينا،
وما دمنا قد سرنا وراء صوت الشرف.
فلنمنح روسيا ،يا رفاق،
أرواحنا كاملة بلا نقصان.

أيها الصديق المخلص:

السماء الساهرة تبشر بفجر المعجزة
لسوف تنهض روسيا من نومها الطويل،
وفيما تحطم الطغيان،نافدة الصبر،
ستحفر اسماءنا على أنقاضه!ـ”
Alexander Pushkin
“Уж небо осенью дышало,
Уж реже солнышко блистало,
Короче становился день,
Лесов таинственная сень
С печальным шумом обнажалась,
Ложился на поля туман,
Гусей крикливых караван
Тянулся к югу: приближалась
Довольно скучная пора;
Стоял ноябрь уж у двора.”
Alexander Pushkin, Eugene Onegin
“Я вас любил: любовь еще, быть может,
В душе моей угасла не совсем;
Но пусть она вас больше не тревожит;
Я не хочу печалить вас ничем.
Я вас любил безмолвно, безнадежно,
То робостью, то ревностью томим;
Я вас любил так искренно, так нежно,
Как дай вам бог любимой быть другим.”
Александр Пушкин
“How sad, however, if we're given
Our youth as something to betray,
And what if youth in turn is driven
To cheat on us, each hour, each day,
If our most precious aspirations,
Our freshest dreams, imaginations
In fast succession have decayed,
As leaves, in putrid autumn, fade.
It is too much to see before one
Nothing but dinners in a row,
Behind the seemly crowd to go,
Regarding life as mere decorum,
Having no common views to share,
Nor passions that one might declare.”
Alexander Pushkin, Eugene Onegin
tags: age, youth
“لم تكن لديه رغبة فى الكد سعياً وراء عظمة عميقاً فى قذارة الأيام”
Pushkin, Alexander
“For one can live in friendship
With verses and with cards, with Plato and with wine,
And hide beneath the gentle cover of our playful pranks
A noble heart and mind.”
Alexander Pushkin
“Я помню чудное мгновенье:
Передо мной явилась ты,
Как мимолётное виденье,
Как гений чистой красоты...

I still recall the wondrous moment
When you appeared before my eyes,
Just like a fleeting apparition,
Just like pure beauty's distillation...”
Pushkin, Alexander
“To love all ages yield surrender;
But to the young it's raptures bring
A blessing bountiful and tender-
As storms refresh the fields of spring.”
Alexander Pushkin, Eugene Onegin
“Fickle as water,
our life is as dreamlike as smoke
- at our expense,
fate's private joke.
-The Bronze Horseman”
A. Pushkin
“God save us from seeing a Russian revolt, senseless and merciless. Those who plot impossible upheavals among us, are either young and do not know our people, or are hard-hearted men who do not care a straw either about their own lives or those of others.”
Alexander Pushkin, The Captain's Daughter and Other Stories
“I saw Derzhavin only once in my life but shall never forget that occasion. It was in 1815 at a public examination in the Lyceum. When we boys learned Derzhavin was coming, all of us grew excited. Delvig went out on the stairs to wait for him and kiss his hand, the hand that had written 'The Waterfall.' Derzhavin arrived. Derzhavin entered the vestibule, and Delvig heard him ask the janitor: 'Where is the privy here, my good fellow?' This prosaic question disenchanted Delvig, who canceled his intent and returned to the reception hall. Delvig told me the story with wonderful bonhomie and good humor.”
Alexander Pushkin
“what is renoun?more false than hope by dreams engendered.”
Alexander Pushkin
“Сказка ложь, да в ней намек!
Добрым молодцам урок.

Alexander Pushkin
“О люди! все похожи вы
На прародительницу Эву:
Что вам дано, то не влечет,
Вас непрестанно змий зовет
К себе, к таинственному древу;
Запретный плод вам подавай,
А без того вам рай не рай.”
Aleksandr Sergeevič Puškin
“Зима!.. Крестьянин, торжествуя,
На дровнях обновляет путь;
Его лошадка, снег почуя,
Плетется рысью как-нибудь;
Бразды пушистые взрывая,
Летит кибитка удалая;
Ямщик сидит на облучке
В тулупе, в красном кушаке.
Вот бегает дворовый мальчик,
В салазки жучку посадив,
Себя в коня преобразив;
Шалун уж заморозил пальчик:
Ему и больно и смешно,
А мать грозит ему в окно…”
Alexander Pushkin, Eugene Onegin
“Татьяна (русская душою,
Сама не зная, почему)
С ее холодною красою
Любила русскую зиму,
На солнце иней в день морозный,
И сани, и зарею поздной
Сиянье розовых снегов,
И мглу крещенских вечеров.”
Alexander Pushkin, Eugene Onegin
“Moral commonplaces are amazingly useful when we can find little in ourselves with which to justify our actions.”
Alexander Pushkin, Tales of Belkin and Other Prose Writings
“He's happy now, he's almost sane.”
Alexander Pushkin, Eugene Onegin
tags: love
“Habit to us is given from above:
it is a substitute for happiness.”
Alexander Pushkin
“Enough! Clear-souled and far from wasted,
I start upon an untrod way
To take my rest from yesterday.”
Alexander Pushkin, Eugene Onegin
“Such a beginning presaged nothing good. However, I lost neither courage nor hope. I turned to the consolation of all those in distress, and for the first time tasted the sweetness of prayer, poured forth from a pure but riven heart. I fell asleep serenely, unworried as to what was to become of me.”
Alexander Pushkin, The Captain's Daughter
“Days when I came to flower serenely
in Lycée gardens long ago,
and read my Apuleius keenly,
but spared no glance for Cicero.”
Alexander Pushkin, Eugene Onegin
“Блажен, кто праздник жизни рано
Оставил, не допив до дна
Бокала полного вина,
Кто не дочел ее романа
И вдруг умел расстаться с ним,
Как я с Онегиным моим.”
Alexander Pushkin, Eugene Onegin
tags: life
“Я пережил свои желанья / I've lived to bury my desires

Я пережил свои желанья,
Я разлюбил свои мечты;
Остались мне одни страданья,
Плоды сердечной пустоты.

I've lived to bury my desires
and see my dreams corrode with rust
now all that's left are fruitless fires
that burn my empty heart to dust.”
Alexander Pushkin
“Напрасно ждал Наполеон,
Последним счастьем упоенный,
Москвы коленопреклоненной
С ключами старого Кремля:
Нет, не пошла Москва моя
К нему с повинной головою.”
Alexander Pushkin, Eugene Onegin
“And once more given to inaction,
Empty in spirit and alone,
He settled down – to the distraction
Of making other minds his own;
Collecting books, he stacked a shelfful,
Read, read, not even one was helpful:
Here, there was dullness, there pretence;
This one lacked conscience, that one sense;
All were by different shackles fettered;
And, past times having lost their hold,
The new still raved about the old.
Like women, books he now deserted,
And mourning taffeta he drew
Across the bookshelf’s dusty crew.”
Alexander Pushkin, Eugene Onegin
tags: books
“Ja volim samoubilacki-krvnicki nemilosrdno i brutalno. Necu drugacije. Ko to moze da izdrzi, a upoznah samo jednog. 'Moja je krv moj put do tebe.”
tags: puskin
“Habit is heaven's gift to us:
a substitute for happiness.”
Alexander Pushkin, Eugene Onegin
tags: habit

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