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Simulating A Carbon Hedge Fund and Trading Advantage from the Municipal
Solid Waste Management: The Role of Waste-to-Carbon in Malaysia

Iwan Budhiarta*, Chamhuri Siwar*, Hassan Basri**
*    Institute of Environment and Development, National University of Malaysia,
    UKM – Bangi, 43600, Malaysia
** Faculty of Engineering & Built Environment, National University of Malaysia,
    UKM – Bangi, 43600, Malaysia

Management of municipal solid waste in Malaysia has proved to be efficiently,
effectively, and adequate. This study has used existing literature and empirical
evidences for analyzing the various issues related to carbon emission trading and soild
waste management. A measurement of carbon potential value will be conduct after
the municipal solid waste generation data was collected completely, and review the
advantage of carbon emission trading from the municipal solid waste management in
Malaysia, evaluate the benefit of carbon emission trading as an alternative investment
tools and basic framework required to implement them.
The article suggests that how an appropriate carbon emission trading system may give
more benefit and economical value, and sustainable way of developing the future
income generation in a environmental sector in Malaysia. In other hand, the changing
legislative environment is likely to make current practices highly non-optimal and
increase pressures for a change of waste management strategy.
The article will become more valuable to all those who have some interests in
environmental economic and alternative investment sectors and would like to reduce
the global warming and climate change effect and develop the potential value related
to carbon emission trading in developing countries.

Keywords: Solid Waste Management, Greenhouse Gas, Carbon Hedge Fund, Carbon
Emission Trading, Malaysia.

Corresponding author:
*      Iwan Budhiarta
       Institute of Environment and Development,
       Center for Graduate Studies, National University of Malaysia,
       UKM Bangi 43600, Selangor, Malaysia.
       Tel: +60 1727 224 99; Fax:

1.      Introduction
        In this recent years, the issues of municipal solid waste generation has taken a
great attention, specially in an emerging countries where population is still rising
substantially and there were limited landfills to accommodate daily waste from
communities. Solid waste presents unique and complex problems partly because it is
both a source of pollution and secondary resources (Skordilis, 2004), with waste
management systems aiming to achieve a balance between environmental, technical,
economic and regulatory factors (Emery et al., 2007). In the other hand, there are
many economic potential values from solid waste generation that can be taken as a
community income generation.
        Prior to the mid-1990s, waste management (WM) issues tended to revolve
around public heath and safety issues (Marshall, 1972; Tchobanoglous and O’Leary,
1994), and the optimization of landfill gas (LFG) capture and utilization (Komilis et
al., 1999a). The subject of its impact on greenhouse gases (GHG) has only been
addressed recently, making it a relatively young study. This reflects an increasing
acknowledgement of wastes contribution to GHG which is reflected in recent
development in GHG mitigation policies internationally (SoE, 2007; Themelis and
Ulloa, 2006; European Communities, 2001). More importantly, there has been a
movement to divert waste from landfills in order to reduce the negative environmental
impact of landfills such as leachate contamination, GHG emissions and space
limitation (Slater and Frederickson, 2001; Norbu et al., 2005). Composting has thus
been widely acknowledged as an alternative to landfills.
        In Malaysia, waste management and energy generation are undergoing
significant changes, in reaction to new climate-driven statutory regulations. Climate
change is also a serious issue, and Malaysia is embarking on a number of voluntary
actions to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) that can intensify climate
change. Among the efforts to slow the potential for climate change are measures to
reduce emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and other non-carbon-
dioxide GHGs, and promote long-term storage of carbon in forests and soil.
Management options for MSW provide many opportunities to affect these processes,
directly or indirectly.
        Following a century of exponential growth in industrialisation together with
population growth over time, the threat is reaching crisis point. The government at
some point must confront the climate change problem by setting limits on CO2
emissions. Reducing and converting CO2 is a cost-competitive and safe way to
achieve large-scale reductions in free-air emissions. Carbon emission trading is
relatively new and booming issue in financial management area which aim is bringing
down an air pollution by providing economic incentives to those who can achieved a
significant reduction of carbon emission. The mechanism behind carbon emission
trading is simple, yet ingenious. There is a central authority which prescribes a limit
or a cap to the amount of air pollutant which can be emitted. Since the total of such
caps is fixed, the total pollution or emission cannot exceed this level.
        The flexibility of the hedge fund structure is the central reason these
investment vehicles are so popular. The flexibility allows funds to specialize on
certain investment sectors or strategies, and they can move quickly to the hot areas of
the markets. One of the hot areas of the markets is the movement toward green
investments and strategies. With this increased focus on energy and related areas,
Carbon Hedge Funds have become a popular investment vehicle to focus on “carbon”
as a new asset class. This article will overview the carbon hedge fund strategies.

2.       Generation Rate of Municipal Solid Waste in Malaysia
         Economic growth in Malaysia has brought prosperity; it has started to impose
costs of industrial pollution and degradation of the urban environment (Hassan et al.,
1999). The official estimated KL’s population in 2007 is 1.604 million according to
statistic department 2007. In KL alone, the estimated solid waste generation was 4000
tons per day in the year 2000 (Murad and Siwar, 2006). Kuala Lumpur alone in 1991
spent roughly about RM 25.2 million cost of managing solid waste; the comparative
figures of the damage costs of haphazard open damping landfill practice were RM
178.30 per ton (Hassan et al., 1999). With the increase in municipal waste generation
from 5.6 million tons in 1997 up to 8.0 million tons in 2000, there is an urgent need
for a better managed disposal option (Fauziah and Agamuthu, 2003). Table 1 shows
solid waste composition of selected locations in peninsular Malaysia and Fig. 1 shows
the corresponding graphical representation.

Table 1.    Solid waste composition of selected locations in Peninsular
Malaysia (Wahid et al., 1996).

              Fig. 1. Solid waste composition of selected locations in
                               Peninsular Malaysia.

2.1. Potential of recyclable components
        Table 2 shows the recyclable components and their percentage share and
recycling rate in tons per year. The graphical representation of percentage recyclables
is shown in Fig. 2. Unfortunately, the attention paid by the authority towards this
direction is not sufficient enough to tackle this issue. The Agenda 21 of the UNCED
1992, defined environmentally sound technologies protect the environment;
moreover, recycling most of the wastes and handle residual wastes in more acceptable
manner. Though recycling activity in Malaysia is rising up, the recycling industry still

needs to be enhanced. Since 1993 a major effort of recycling was lunched by the
Ministry of Housing and Local Government but unfortunately limited recycling
activities taken place (Agamuthu, 2001). In Kuala Lumpur, by 2005 the recycling of
the waste generated planned to reach 16% and 22% by 2020 (Pillay, 1999).

          Table 2. Recyclable components and their percentage share.

                   Fig. 2. MSW recyclables of Kuala Lumpur.

3. Methodology
3.1. Carbon Valuation Tool
        In estimating the level of provision to be made through the Waste
Development Framework for Municipal Solid waste the following assumptions have
been made that future waste arisings will be dependent upon the amount of waste
produced per person, the average number of people living in each dwelling and the
increase in number of dwellings.
        From the recent market price at Europe Emission Exchange, standarded price
that will be used for any metric ton carbon emission is about $10 - $15.

Table 3. Waste Per Ton       Estimates of GHG Emissions for Alternative
      Management Scenarios.
                     Emissions     GHG        GHG                GHG           GHG
                     per Ton of    Emissions  Emissions          Emissions     Emissions
                     Material      per Ton of per Ton of         per Ton of    per Ton of
                     Source        Material   Material           Material      Material
                     Reduced       Recycled   Landfilled         Combusted     Composted
Material             (MTCE)        (MTCE)     (MTCE)             (MTCE)        (MTCE)
Aluminum Cans        (2.24)        (3.70)     0.01               0.02          -
Steel Cans           (0.87)        (0.49)     0.01               (0.42)        -
Copper Wire          (2.00)        (1.34)     0.01               0.01          -
Glass                (0.16)        (0.08)     0.01               0.01          -
HDPE                 (0.49)        (0.38)     0.01               0.25          -
LDPE                 (0.62)        (0.46)     0.01               0.25          -
PET                  (0.57)        (0.42)     0.01               0.30          -
Magazines            (2.36)        (0.84)     (0.08)             (0.13)        -
Newspaper            (1.33)        (0.76)     (0.24)             (0.20)        -
Office Paper         (2.18)        (0.78)     0.53               (0.17)        -
Phonebooks           (1.72)        (0.72)     (0.24)             (0.20)        -
Textbooks            (2.50)        (0.85)     0.53               (0.17)        -
Medium       Density
Fiberboard           (0.60)        (0.67)         (0.13)         (0.21)        -
Food Scraps          -             -              0.20           (0.05)        (0.05)
Yard Trimmings       -             -              (0.06)         (0.06)        (0.05)
Grass                -             -              (0.00)         (0.06)        (0.05)
Leaves               -             -              (0.05)         (0.06)        (0.05)
Mixed Paper, Broad -               (0.96)         0.09           (0.18)        -
Mixed Paper, Resid. -              (0.96)         0.07           (0.18)        -
Mixed Paper, Office -              (0.93)         0.13           (0.16)        -
Mixed Metals         -             (1.43)         0.01           (0.29)        -
Mixed Plastics       -             (0.41)         0.01           0.27          -
Mixed Recyclables    -             (0.79)         0.04           (0.17)        -
Mixed Organics       -             -              0.06           (0.05)        (0.05)
Mixed MSW            -             -              0.12           (0.03)        -
Carpet               (1.09)        (1.96)         0.01           0.11          -
Personal Computers (15.13)         (0.62)         0.01           (0.05)        -
Clay Bricks          (0.08)        -              0.01           -             -
Concrete             -             (0.00)         0.01           -             -
Fly Ash              -             (0.24)         0.01           -             -
Tires                (1.09)        (0.50)         0.01           0.05          -

     3.2. Carbon Hedge Fund Mechanism
             The European Commission launched the European Climate Change Program
     (ECCP) in June 2000 with the objective to identify, develop and implement the
     essential elements of an EU strategy to implement the Kyoto Protocol. All 25 EU
     countries simultaneously ratified the Kyoto Protocol on 31 May 2002. The European
     Union Emission Trading Scheme (EU ETS) is a significant part of the ECCP and
     currently constitutes the largest emissions trading scheme in the world.

Actual trading in EU ETS emission allowances began January 1st, 2005. By
the end of the same year, almost 400 million tonnes of carbon equivalent had been
traded, representing a turnover in excess of EUR 7 billion. The impact of the release
of sensitive information regarding the ETS net position in carbon emission allowances
can be dramatic, as was illustrated in April 2006. First phase EU ETS carbon, in the
form of the allowance expiring in December 2007, written Dec-07, had reached EUR
30 per tonne at their high in April 2006. Prices subsequently plumetted to below EUR
10 per tonne in a few days beginning May 2006 after EU figures on actual 2005
emission levels suggested emission caps to selected industries had been too generous
to have a significant impact on emission practice. Emission caps for the second phase
(2008-2012) are currently under review because of this apparent generosity of NAP
levels in the first phase.

                 Figure 3. Historical Carbon Trading, 2007 – 2008

        Risk management and hedging is a useful tool to reduce market place liability.
Hedging is a strategy designed to minimize exposure to an unwanted business risk,
while still allowing the business to profit from an investment activity. There could be
hedgers on both sides of the market and that hedging is essentially a risk reduction
technique more than anything, which allows informed traders and commodity dealers
to profit from their intuitive knowledge of future changes in the difference between
futures and spot prices. Many examples exist to demonstrate the mitigation of risk to
an institution or financial portfolio. New products are constantly created and available
on both over-the counter and exchange traded markets. It would be wise to consult
with a qualified Commodity Trading Advisor or broker to discuss the analysis for an
on-going risk management solution or a one time only hedge.
        There is no doubt that developing nations are especially vulnerable, and even
the currency tends to be tied to the price of those particular commodity items until it
manages to be a fully developed nation. For example, one could see the nominally

“fiat” money of Cuba as being tied to sugar prices, since the lack of hard currency
paying for sugar means less foreign goods per peso in Cuba itself. In effect, Cuba
needs a hedge against a drop in sugar prices, if it wishes to maintain a stable quality of
life for its citizens. Whether you are a large producer or a whole set of consumers, you
need to hedge your foreign currency exposures and the respective exchange futures
         One has to understand that the primary goal of commodity price risk
management is to protect the economic value of your business from the negative
impact of commodity price fluctuations, at the lowest possible cost. Because
commodity price volatility also provides opportunity for gains, a secondary goal is to
strike a balance between risk and return. Risk management provides the ability to
accurately budget on cash flow receipts.
         It is also fair to explain that some form of risk taking is inherent to any
business activity. Some risks are considered to be “natural” to specific businesses,
such as the risk of oil prices increasing or decreasing is natural to oil drilling and
refining firms. Other forms of risk are not wanted, but cannot be avoided without
hedging. Not all hedges are financial instruments: a producer that exports to another
country, for example, may hedge its currency risk when selling by linking its
expenses to the desired currency. Banks and other financial institutions use hedging to
control their asset-liability mismatches, such as the maturity matches between long,
fixed-rate loans and short term (implicitly variable rate) deposits
         For example, rising fuel prices can cut into your profits and make budgeting
difficult. That’s where we need to set up this mechanism, if your business purchases
oil, you can certainly budget with greater certainty by effectively managing the risks
associated with fluctuating fuel prices.

3.3. Basic Carbon Hedging Strategy
        Lets keep this explanation as simple as possible. First, we are going to stick
with the theme of this tutorial and use frozen concentrated soya juice (lets say “SJ”),
as our commodity example. We need to know a few things about this commodity
before we start. Here's the specifications for orange juice futures contracts.
        Contract Size: 10,000 pounds (4536 kg) of soya juice
        Point Value: $1.50 per point
        Minimum price move: 5 points or 5/100 ths of a cent = $7.50 per contract
        We'll assume we are talking about a soya juice producer first (SJ farmer). This
person has to sell his soya juice in six months later. The problem is that any price drop
in the soya juice market would have a negative effect on what he can get for his crop
once it's harvested.
        The farmer can get around a large part of that risk by establishing a basic short
commodity hedging strategy in the soya juice futures market. This gives him some
protection, sort of like an insurance policy against large price fluctuations. Let's say
the current price for soya juice in the cash market on February 1st is 90 cents per
pound (fictional). The SJ farmer feels that's a fair price to cover his costs and make a
profit. He also knows that he will have about 10,000 pounds of SJ to bring to the
market at harvest in six months. What he does is sell his crop now using the futures
market to protect that 90 cent sale price in the future. The farmer goes into the futures
market and sells 1 contract (10,000 pounds of SJ) at the current market price of $1 per
pound. Now lets fast forward 1 month into the future and see how this protects his
profit margins.

On August 1st the futures price of SJ has dropped to 70 cents per pound and
the cash or current price for SJ drops to 65 cents per pound because there looks to be a
bumper crop of SJ this year. This situation doesn't look good as the SJ producer
needed to get 90 cents a pound to cover his costs and make a profit. Looks like he
won't be buying his kid the GI Joe with the "Kung Fu" grip because he'll be getting
$3750 less for his SJ crop. The decimal point has been omitted and the calculation
looks like this: 9000 - 6500 = 2500 X 1.50 = $3750 loss per contract.
        Does he loss his money? What about the SJ contract he sold in the futures
market? Remember he sold 1 contract at $1 per pound? If he were to buy that contract
back right now he would only have to pay 70 cents a pound. He has a profit of $4500
for the futures contract. The decimal point has been omitted and the calculation looks
like this 10000 - 7000 = 3000 X 1.50 = $4500 profit per contract.
        Now let's analyze what the hedge has done to partially protect the SJ farmer's
price risk. The $3750 cash loss is offset by the $4500 profit in the futures market,
leaving him with a theoretical profit on the hedging strategy of $750. This is not a bad
        Commodity Futures Fact: A commodity hedging strategy does not remove
        all price risks. In fact, there are costs associated with trading in commodity
        futures markets that must be factored into any hedging strategy. Those costs
        include the commissions paid on the futures trades and the costs associated
        with placing money in the futures account to cover initial margin requirements
        (good faith deposits) and maintenance margin calls (additional deposits to
        cover adverse price variations).
        Let's go another month into the future. On July 1st another report shows that
the first report overestimated the SJ supply and the price has risen to $1.20 a pound
and the cash price of SJ has gone up to $1.05 because of the simple economics of
supply and demand. Then, what happen to the farmer’s cash? Well, happy days…The
farmer can now get $2250 more for his SJ. The calculation looks like this: 10500 -
9000 = 1500 X $1.50 = $2250 more profit…
        But don’t run from the profit first. The farmer shouldn't run out and buy his
wife that new BMW he promised her just yet. Let's see what happened with the
futures contract hedge. It will cost him $1.20 per pound to buy back the futures
contract he sold at $1. That gives him a loss of $3000 for his futures hedge. The
calculation looks like this: 10000 - 12000 = 2000 X $1.50 = $3000 loss.
        Now let's see how the commodity futures hedge has limited his potential profit
margin. The $2250 gain on the cash price of the SJ crop is offset by the $3000 loss he
currently has on his commodity futures hedge. The net result of liquidating the hedge
right now would be a loss of $750.
        This two examples show the importance of maintaining the hedge (regardless
of price fluctuations) until the crop is ready for delivery. The cash price and the
futures price will converge and become almost equal at the expiration month of the
futures contract except for costs such as carrying charges (also known as "the basis").
By liquidating the futures contract and breaking the protection of the hedge before
expiration, the farmer then becomes at risk-to-price fluctuations. He also loses money
on the costs associated with the futures portion of the hedge itself.
        Commodity Futures Fact: In a liquid market, the number of speculators
        (people looking to profit from price fluctuations) far outnumbers the number
        of hedgers (those protecting themselves against price risks), but the hedgers
        generally carry much larger open positions.

3.4. Implementation of Waste-to-Carbon Simulation
         Contract size 1,000 Certified Emission Reductions (1 Lot). The Price
Quotation is in points with two decimal places, equivalent to a value of EUR 0.01 per
CER. The Minimum Price Change is EUR 0.01 per CER, equivalent to a value of
EUR 10 per contract.
         Now let's view some real life examples of hedging or mitigation of risk by
using exchange traded derivatives. Example 1: A waste manager which was
collaborated with a hedge fund manager has an energy-related investment portfolio
valued at RM 500,000 closely resembling the EUREX (European Energy Exchange).
The Investment (hedge fund) Manager believes the global and regional economy is
worsening with deteriorating expected returns. The next two to three weeks are
reports of quarterly US crude oil inventories. Until the report exposes, he is concerned
of the results from a short term crude oil market correction. Without the privilege of
foresight, he is unsure of the magnitude the earnings figures will produce. He now has
an exposure to market risk.
         The investment manager thinks of his options. The greatest risk is to do
nothing, if the market falls as expected, he risks giving up all recent gains. If he sells
his portfolio early, he also risks being wrong and missing further rally's. Then he
realizes a hedge is the best option to mitigate his short term risk. He begins by calling
his CTA (Commodity Trading Advisor) and after consultation places an order to sell
short the CO2 Derivative Index on the EUREX. Now his result is when the market
falls as expected, he will off-set any losses in the portfolio with gains from the Index
hedge and his portfolio continues upward, he will continue making profits. A month
later the investment manager again calls his CTA and closes the hedge by buying
back the equivalent number of contracts on the EUREX. Regardless of the resulting
market events, the investment manager was protected during the period of short term
volatility. There was no risk to their investment portfolio.

3.4.1. Simulation on Data - 2007 :
Total sum of Kuala Lumpur population       = (+/-) 1,600,000
Organic waste generation volume predicted
               per person per day          = +/- 0.5 kilogram
Total organic waste generation volume of Kuala Lumpur
               per month                   = 30 days x 0.5 kilogram x 1,600,000
                                           = 15 x 2,700,000
                                           = 24,000,000 kilogram
                                           = 24,000 tonnes per month
   Kuala Lumpur may generate organic waste for 24,000 tonnes / month

Asumption of organic waste composition        = 90 percent
                                              = 90% x 24,000 tonnes = 21,600 tonnes
1 tonnes of organic waste    x (21-CH4)       = 1 CER
21,600 tonnes of organic waste x (21)         = 453,600 CER

Simple Equation for Carbon Emission Trading (CET) from Recycled-Reduced
Organic Waste :
July 1st
1 CER = EUR 20 (as assumption)
CET = 453,600 CER x 0.01 x EUR 20 = EUR 90,720
Converted to Malaysian Ringgit     EUR      1 EUR = MYR 5.05
(exchange rate at July 1st, 2009)
        = EUR 90,720 x MYR 5.05 = RM 458,136 / month of July
Aug 1st
1 CER = EUR 10 (as assumption)
CET = 453,600 CER x 0.01 x EUR 10 = EUR 45,360
Converted to Malaysian Ringgit     EUR      1 EUR = MYR 5.05
(exchange rate at July 1st, 2009)
        = EUR 45,360 x MYR 5.05 = RM 229,068 / month of July
        On August 1st the futures price of SJ has dropped from EUR 23 to EUR 11
per 1 CER and the cash or current price for SJ drops from EUR 20 to EUR 10 per 1
CER. Because of the carbon price is falling in August, this situation doesn't look
good as we need to get EUR 10 per 1 CER in cash to cover his costs and make a
profit. The monthly return is decreased almost a half from the first month. The
decimal point has been omitted and the calculation looks like this: 20,000 – 10,000 =
10,000 X 0.01 = EUR 100 loss per contract.
        Then we should short (or sell) in the carbon futures price at the EUREX
market. The waste manager goes into the futures market and sells 1 contract (1,000
CER) at the current market price of EUR 10 per pound. Now lets fast forward 1
month into the future and see how this protects his profit margins. The calculation
will be like below:
        23,000 – 11,000 = 12,000 X 0.01 = EUR 120 profit per contract.
        Now let's analyze what the hedge has done to partially protect the waste
manager’s price risk. The EUR 100 cash loss is offset by the EUR 120 profit in the
futures market, leaving him with a theoretical profit on the hedging strategy of EUR
20. This is not a bad deal.

3.4.2. Further Simulation
Scenario 1: Price falls in the cash and futures market
        At this point, a waste manager receive a nett-return, which is the profit return
from the futures market is offset with the loss from the cash market.
        Cash Market                 Futures Market              Base Profit/Loss
  10 July: EUR 10/ CER        Sell at EUR 13/ CER
  10 Aug: EUR 8/ CER          Buy at EUR 11/ CER
       (-) EUR 2/ CER               (+) EUR 2/ CER                     nett

Scenario 2: Price up in the cash and futures market
        At this point, a waste manager will still receive a nett-return, which is the
profit return from the futures market is offset with the loss from the cash market.
        Cash Market                  Futures Market               Base Profit/Loss
  10 July: EUR 10/ CER         Sell at EUR 11/ CER
  10 Aug: EUR 13/ CER          Buy at EUR 14/ CER
       (+) EUR 3/ CER                (-) EUR 3/ CER                      nett

Scenario 3: Price up in the cash and Price falls in the futures market
        At this point, a waste manager will receive double profit-return, which is the
profit return from the futures market is accumulated with the profit from the cash
        Cash Market                 Futures Market            Base Profit/Loss
  10 July: EUR 10/ CER        Sell at EUR 11/ CER
  10 Aug: EUR 13/ CER         Buy at EUR 8/ CER
      (+) EUR 3/ CER                (+) EUR 3/ CER             (+) EUR 6/CER

Scenario 4: Harga di Pasar Fisik turun - harga di Bursa Berjangka naik
        At this point, a waste manager will receive double loss, which is the loss from
the futures market is accumulated with the loss from the cash market.
        Cash Market                 Futures Market              Base Profit/Loss
  10 July: EUR 10/ CER        Sell at EUR 11/ CER
  10 Aug: EUR 8/ CER          Buy at EUR 14/ CER
       (-) EUR 3/ CER               (-) EUR 3/ CER               (-) EUR 6/CER

        From the scenarios above, first and second scenarios may give a waste
manager fully price protection from hedging activity. The third scenario can be used
as a profit generator by waste manager. The last fourth scenario cannot support waste
manager to gain some profit return from the CER. The investment manager may also
limit the risk potential by applying the first, second and third scenario of carbon
emission trading in the futures market.
        Since the setting is incomplete by nature there exists an interval for arbitrage-
free prices and we have chosen one price based on a local risk minimizing criteria.
One can come up with explicit formulas for pricing and hedging under the assumption
that the market's net position is common knowledge among the market participants.
Under the more realistic setting where the market does not observe the net position
directly the initial design of the regulatory structure for the financial instruments
associated with the global carbon market will play a significant role in determining
how the instruments will trade and the type of information that is available to
regulators, market participants, and the general public.
        Existing regulatory models for financial markets, including the GHG cap-and-
trade systems currently in operation, provide useful lessons for the design of a market-
based approach to limit GHG emissions. Building upon these lessons, policymakers
can implement an appropriate regulatory structure for allowance-based financial
instruments at the outset, ensuring an efficient and effective approach to reducing the
nation’s GHG emissions.

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Carbon Trading Advantage From The Municipal Solid Waste Management

  • 1. Simulating A Carbon Hedge Fund and Trading Advantage from the Municipal Solid Waste Management: The Role of Waste-to-Carbon in Malaysia Iwan Budhiarta*, Chamhuri Siwar*, Hassan Basri** * Institute of Environment and Development, National University of Malaysia, UKM – Bangi, 43600, Malaysia ** Faculty of Engineering & Built Environment, National University of Malaysia, UKM – Bangi, 43600, Malaysia ABSTRACT Management of municipal solid waste in Malaysia has proved to be efficiently, effectively, and adequate. This study has used existing literature and empirical evidences for analyzing the various issues related to carbon emission trading and soild waste management. A measurement of carbon potential value will be conduct after the municipal solid waste generation data was collected completely, and review the advantage of carbon emission trading from the municipal solid waste management in Malaysia, evaluate the benefit of carbon emission trading as an alternative investment tools and basic framework required to implement them. The article suggests that how an appropriate carbon emission trading system may give more benefit and economical value, and sustainable way of developing the future income generation in a environmental sector in Malaysia. In other hand, the changing legislative environment is likely to make current practices highly non-optimal and increase pressures for a change of waste management strategy. The article will become more valuable to all those who have some interests in environmental economic and alternative investment sectors and would like to reduce the global warming and climate change effect and develop the potential value related to carbon emission trading in developing countries. Keywords: Solid Waste Management, Greenhouse Gas, Carbon Hedge Fund, Carbon Emission Trading, Malaysia. Corresponding author: * Iwan Budhiarta Institute of Environment and Development, Center for Graduate Studies, National University of Malaysia, UKM Bangi 43600, Selangor, Malaysia. Tel: +60 1727 224 99; Fax: e-mail: 1
  • 2. 1. Introduction In this recent years, the issues of municipal solid waste generation has taken a great attention, specially in an emerging countries where population is still rising substantially and there were limited landfills to accommodate daily waste from communities. Solid waste presents unique and complex problems partly because it is both a source of pollution and secondary resources (Skordilis, 2004), with waste management systems aiming to achieve a balance between environmental, technical, economic and regulatory factors (Emery et al., 2007). In the other hand, there are many economic potential values from solid waste generation that can be taken as a community income generation. Prior to the mid-1990s, waste management (WM) issues tended to revolve around public heath and safety issues (Marshall, 1972; Tchobanoglous and O’Leary, 1994), and the optimization of landfill gas (LFG) capture and utilization (Komilis et al., 1999a). The subject of its impact on greenhouse gases (GHG) has only been addressed recently, making it a relatively young study. This reflects an increasing acknowledgement of wastes contribution to GHG which is reflected in recent development in GHG mitigation policies internationally (SoE, 2007; Themelis and Ulloa, 2006; European Communities, 2001). More importantly, there has been a movement to divert waste from landfills in order to reduce the negative environmental impact of landfills such as leachate contamination, GHG emissions and space limitation (Slater and Frederickson, 2001; Norbu et al., 2005). Composting has thus been widely acknowledged as an alternative to landfills. In Malaysia, waste management and energy generation are undergoing significant changes, in reaction to new climate-driven statutory regulations. Climate change is also a serious issue, and Malaysia is embarking on a number of voluntary actions to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) that can intensify climate change. Among the efforts to slow the potential for climate change are measures to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and other non-carbon- dioxide GHGs, and promote long-term storage of carbon in forests and soil. Management options for MSW provide many opportunities to affect these processes, directly or indirectly. Following a century of exponential growth in industrialisation together with population growth over time, the threat is reaching crisis point. The government at some point must confront the climate change problem by setting limits on CO2 emissions. Reducing and converting CO2 is a cost-competitive and safe way to achieve large-scale reductions in free-air emissions. Carbon emission trading is relatively new and booming issue in financial management area which aim is bringing down an air pollution by providing economic incentives to those who can achieved a significant reduction of carbon emission. The mechanism behind carbon emission trading is simple, yet ingenious. There is a central authority which prescribes a limit or a cap to the amount of air pollutant which can be emitted. Since the total of such caps is fixed, the total pollution or emission cannot exceed this level. The flexibility of the hedge fund structure is the central reason these investment vehicles are so popular. The flexibility allows funds to specialize on certain investment sectors or strategies, and they can move quickly to the hot areas of the markets. One of the hot areas of the markets is the movement toward green investments and strategies. With this increased focus on energy and related areas, Carbon Hedge Funds have become a popular investment vehicle to focus on “carbon” as a new asset class. This article will overview the carbon hedge fund strategies. 2
  • 3. 2. Generation Rate of Municipal Solid Waste in Malaysia Economic growth in Malaysia has brought prosperity; it has started to impose costs of industrial pollution and degradation of the urban environment (Hassan et al., 1999). The official estimated KL’s population in 2007 is 1.604 million according to statistic department 2007. In KL alone, the estimated solid waste generation was 4000 tons per day in the year 2000 (Murad and Siwar, 2006). Kuala Lumpur alone in 1991 spent roughly about RM 25.2 million cost of managing solid waste; the comparative figures of the damage costs of haphazard open damping landfill practice were RM 178.30 per ton (Hassan et al., 1999). With the increase in municipal waste generation from 5.6 million tons in 1997 up to 8.0 million tons in 2000, there is an urgent need for a better managed disposal option (Fauziah and Agamuthu, 2003). Table 1 shows solid waste composition of selected locations in peninsular Malaysia and Fig. 1 shows the corresponding graphical representation. Table 1. Solid waste composition of selected locations in Peninsular Malaysia (Wahid et al., 1996). Fig. 1. Solid waste composition of selected locations in Peninsular Malaysia. 2.1. Potential of recyclable components Table 2 shows the recyclable components and their percentage share and recycling rate in tons per year. The graphical representation of percentage recyclables is shown in Fig. 2. Unfortunately, the attention paid by the authority towards this direction is not sufficient enough to tackle this issue. The Agenda 21 of the UNCED 1992, defined environmentally sound technologies protect the environment; moreover, recycling most of the wastes and handle residual wastes in more acceptable manner. Though recycling activity in Malaysia is rising up, the recycling industry still 3
  • 4. needs to be enhanced. Since 1993 a major effort of recycling was lunched by the Ministry of Housing and Local Government but unfortunately limited recycling activities taken place (Agamuthu, 2001). In Kuala Lumpur, by 2005 the recycling of the waste generated planned to reach 16% and 22% by 2020 (Pillay, 1999). Table 2. Recyclable components and their percentage share. Fig. 2. MSW recyclables of Kuala Lumpur. 3. Methodology 3.1. Carbon Valuation Tool In estimating the level of provision to be made through the Waste Development Framework for Municipal Solid waste the following assumptions have been made that future waste arisings will be dependent upon the amount of waste produced per person, the average number of people living in each dwelling and the increase in number of dwellings. From the recent market price at Europe Emission Exchange, standarded price that will be used for any metric ton carbon emission is about $10 - $15. 4
  • 5. Table 3. Waste Per Ton Estimates of GHG Emissions for Alternative Management Scenarios. GHG Emissions GHG GHG GHG GHG per Ton of Emissions Emissions Emissions Emissions Material per Ton of per Ton of per Ton of per Ton of Source Material Material Material Material Reduced Recycled Landfilled Combusted Composted Material (MTCE) (MTCE) (MTCE) (MTCE) (MTCE) Aluminum Cans (2.24) (3.70) 0.01 0.02 - Steel Cans (0.87) (0.49) 0.01 (0.42) - Copper Wire (2.00) (1.34) 0.01 0.01 - Glass (0.16) (0.08) 0.01 0.01 - HDPE (0.49) (0.38) 0.01 0.25 - LDPE (0.62) (0.46) 0.01 0.25 - PET (0.57) (0.42) 0.01 0.30 - Magazines (2.36) (0.84) (0.08) (0.13) - Newspaper (1.33) (0.76) (0.24) (0.20) - Office Paper (2.18) (0.78) 0.53 (0.17) - Phonebooks (1.72) (0.72) (0.24) (0.20) - Textbooks (2.50) (0.85) 0.53 (0.17) - Medium Density Fiberboard (0.60) (0.67) (0.13) (0.21) - Food Scraps - - 0.20 (0.05) (0.05) Yard Trimmings - - (0.06) (0.06) (0.05) Grass - - (0.00) (0.06) (0.05) Leaves - - (0.05) (0.06) (0.05) Mixed Paper, Broad - (0.96) 0.09 (0.18) - Mixed Paper, Resid. - (0.96) 0.07 (0.18) - Mixed Paper, Office - (0.93) 0.13 (0.16) - Mixed Metals - (1.43) 0.01 (0.29) - Mixed Plastics - (0.41) 0.01 0.27 - Mixed Recyclables - (0.79) 0.04 (0.17) - Mixed Organics - - 0.06 (0.05) (0.05) Mixed MSW - - 0.12 (0.03) - Carpet (1.09) (1.96) 0.01 0.11 - Personal Computers (15.13) (0.62) 0.01 (0.05) - Clay Bricks (0.08) - 0.01 - - Concrete - (0.00) 0.01 - - Fly Ash - (0.24) 0.01 - - Tires (1.09) (0.50) 0.01 0.05 - 3.2. Carbon Hedge Fund Mechanism The European Commission launched the European Climate Change Program (ECCP) in June 2000 with the objective to identify, develop and implement the essential elements of an EU strategy to implement the Kyoto Protocol. All 25 EU countries simultaneously ratified the Kyoto Protocol on 31 May 2002. The European Union Emission Trading Scheme (EU ETS) is a significant part of the ECCP and currently constitutes the largest emissions trading scheme in the world. 5
  • 6. Actual trading in EU ETS emission allowances began January 1st, 2005. By the end of the same year, almost 400 million tonnes of carbon equivalent had been traded, representing a turnover in excess of EUR 7 billion. The impact of the release of sensitive information regarding the ETS net position in carbon emission allowances can be dramatic, as was illustrated in April 2006. First phase EU ETS carbon, in the form of the allowance expiring in December 2007, written Dec-07, had reached EUR 30 per tonne at their high in April 2006. Prices subsequently plumetted to below EUR 10 per tonne in a few days beginning May 2006 after EU figures on actual 2005 emission levels suggested emission caps to selected industries had been too generous to have a significant impact on emission practice. Emission caps for the second phase (2008-2012) are currently under review because of this apparent generosity of NAP levels in the first phase. Figure 3. Historical Carbon Trading, 2007 – 2008 Risk management and hedging is a useful tool to reduce market place liability. Hedging is a strategy designed to minimize exposure to an unwanted business risk, while still allowing the business to profit from an investment activity. There could be hedgers on both sides of the market and that hedging is essentially a risk reduction technique more than anything, which allows informed traders and commodity dealers to profit from their intuitive knowledge of future changes in the difference between futures and spot prices. Many examples exist to demonstrate the mitigation of risk to an institution or financial portfolio. New products are constantly created and available on both over-the counter and exchange traded markets. It would be wise to consult with a qualified Commodity Trading Advisor or broker to discuss the analysis for an on-going risk management solution or a one time only hedge. There is no doubt that developing nations are especially vulnerable, and even the currency tends to be tied to the price of those particular commodity items until it manages to be a fully developed nation. For example, one could see the nominally 6
  • 7. “fiat” money of Cuba as being tied to sugar prices, since the lack of hard currency paying for sugar means less foreign goods per peso in Cuba itself. In effect, Cuba needs a hedge against a drop in sugar prices, if it wishes to maintain a stable quality of life for its citizens. Whether you are a large producer or a whole set of consumers, you need to hedge your foreign currency exposures and the respective exchange futures commodities. One has to understand that the primary goal of commodity price risk management is to protect the economic value of your business from the negative impact of commodity price fluctuations, at the lowest possible cost. Because commodity price volatility also provides opportunity for gains, a secondary goal is to strike a balance between risk and return. Risk management provides the ability to accurately budget on cash flow receipts. It is also fair to explain that some form of risk taking is inherent to any business activity. Some risks are considered to be “natural” to specific businesses, such as the risk of oil prices increasing or decreasing is natural to oil drilling and refining firms. Other forms of risk are not wanted, but cannot be avoided without hedging. Not all hedges are financial instruments: a producer that exports to another country, for example, may hedge its currency risk when selling by linking its expenses to the desired currency. Banks and other financial institutions use hedging to control their asset-liability mismatches, such as the maturity matches between long, fixed-rate loans and short term (implicitly variable rate) deposits For example, rising fuel prices can cut into your profits and make budgeting difficult. That’s where we need to set up this mechanism, if your business purchases oil, you can certainly budget with greater certainty by effectively managing the risks associated with fluctuating fuel prices. 3.3. Basic Carbon Hedging Strategy Lets keep this explanation as simple as possible. First, we are going to stick with the theme of this tutorial and use frozen concentrated soya juice (lets say “SJ”), as our commodity example. We need to know a few things about this commodity before we start. Here's the specifications for orange juice futures contracts. Contract Size: 10,000 pounds (4536 kg) of soya juice Point Value: $1.50 per point Minimum price move: 5 points or 5/100 ths of a cent = $7.50 per contract We'll assume we are talking about a soya juice producer first (SJ farmer). This person has to sell his soya juice in six months later. The problem is that any price drop in the soya juice market would have a negative effect on what he can get for his crop once it's harvested. The farmer can get around a large part of that risk by establishing a basic short commodity hedging strategy in the soya juice futures market. This gives him some protection, sort of like an insurance policy against large price fluctuations. Let's say the current price for soya juice in the cash market on February 1st is 90 cents per pound (fictional). The SJ farmer feels that's a fair price to cover his costs and make a profit. He also knows that he will have about 10,000 pounds of SJ to bring to the market at harvest in six months. What he does is sell his crop now using the futures market to protect that 90 cent sale price in the future. The farmer goes into the futures market and sells 1 contract (10,000 pounds of SJ) at the current market price of $1 per pound. Now lets fast forward 1 month into the future and see how this protects his profit margins. 7
  • 8. On August 1st the futures price of SJ has dropped to 70 cents per pound and the cash or current price for SJ drops to 65 cents per pound because there looks to be a bumper crop of SJ this year. This situation doesn't look good as the SJ producer needed to get 90 cents a pound to cover his costs and make a profit. Looks like he won't be buying his kid the GI Joe with the "Kung Fu" grip because he'll be getting $3750 less for his SJ crop. The decimal point has been omitted and the calculation looks like this: 9000 - 6500 = 2500 X 1.50 = $3750 loss per contract. Does he loss his money? What about the SJ contract he sold in the futures market? Remember he sold 1 contract at $1 per pound? If he were to buy that contract back right now he would only have to pay 70 cents a pound. He has a profit of $4500 for the futures contract. The decimal point has been omitted and the calculation looks like this 10000 - 7000 = 3000 X 1.50 = $4500 profit per contract. Now let's analyze what the hedge has done to partially protect the SJ farmer's price risk. The $3750 cash loss is offset by the $4500 profit in the futures market, leaving him with a theoretical profit on the hedging strategy of $750. This is not a bad deal. Commodity Futures Fact: A commodity hedging strategy does not remove all price risks. In fact, there are costs associated with trading in commodity futures markets that must be factored into any hedging strategy. Those costs include the commissions paid on the futures trades and the costs associated with placing money in the futures account to cover initial margin requirements (good faith deposits) and maintenance margin calls (additional deposits to cover adverse price variations). Let's go another month into the future. On July 1st another report shows that the first report overestimated the SJ supply and the price has risen to $1.20 a pound and the cash price of SJ has gone up to $1.05 because of the simple economics of supply and demand. Then, what happen to the farmer’s cash? Well, happy days…The farmer can now get $2250 more for his SJ. The calculation looks like this: 10500 - 9000 = 1500 X $1.50 = $2250 more profit… But don’t run from the profit first. The farmer shouldn't run out and buy his wife that new BMW he promised her just yet. Let's see what happened with the futures contract hedge. It will cost him $1.20 per pound to buy back the futures contract he sold at $1. That gives him a loss of $3000 for his futures hedge. The calculation looks like this: 10000 - 12000 = 2000 X $1.50 = $3000 loss. Now let's see how the commodity futures hedge has limited his potential profit margin. The $2250 gain on the cash price of the SJ crop is offset by the $3000 loss he currently has on his commodity futures hedge. The net result of liquidating the hedge right now would be a loss of $750. This two examples show the importance of maintaining the hedge (regardless of price fluctuations) until the crop is ready for delivery. The cash price and the futures price will converge and become almost equal at the expiration month of the futures contract except for costs such as carrying charges (also known as "the basis"). By liquidating the futures contract and breaking the protection of the hedge before expiration, the farmer then becomes at risk-to-price fluctuations. He also loses money on the costs associated with the futures portion of the hedge itself. Commodity Futures Fact: In a liquid market, the number of speculators (people looking to profit from price fluctuations) far outnumbers the number of hedgers (those protecting themselves against price risks), but the hedgers generally carry much larger open positions. 8
  • 9. 3.4. Implementation of Waste-to-Carbon Simulation Contract size 1,000 Certified Emission Reductions (1 Lot). The Price Quotation is in points with two decimal places, equivalent to a value of EUR 0.01 per CER. The Minimum Price Change is EUR 0.01 per CER, equivalent to a value of EUR 10 per contract. Now let's view some real life examples of hedging or mitigation of risk by using exchange traded derivatives. Example 1: A waste manager which was collaborated with a hedge fund manager has an energy-related investment portfolio valued at RM 500,000 closely resembling the EUREX (European Energy Exchange). The Investment (hedge fund) Manager believes the global and regional economy is worsening with deteriorating expected returns. The next two to three weeks are reports of quarterly US crude oil inventories. Until the report exposes, he is concerned of the results from a short term crude oil market correction. Without the privilege of foresight, he is unsure of the magnitude the earnings figures will produce. He now has an exposure to market risk. The investment manager thinks of his options. The greatest risk is to do nothing, if the market falls as expected, he risks giving up all recent gains. If he sells his portfolio early, he also risks being wrong and missing further rally's. Then he realizes a hedge is the best option to mitigate his short term risk. He begins by calling his CTA (Commodity Trading Advisor) and after consultation places an order to sell short the CO2 Derivative Index on the EUREX. Now his result is when the market falls as expected, he will off-set any losses in the portfolio with gains from the Index hedge and his portfolio continues upward, he will continue making profits. A month later the investment manager again calls his CTA and closes the hedge by buying back the equivalent number of contracts on the EUREX. Regardless of the resulting market events, the investment manager was protected during the period of short term volatility. There was no risk to their investment portfolio. 3.4.1. Simulation on Data - 2007 : Total sum of Kuala Lumpur population = (+/-) 1,600,000 Organic waste generation volume predicted per person per day = +/- 0.5 kilogram Total organic waste generation volume of Kuala Lumpur per month = 30 days x 0.5 kilogram x 1,600,000 = 15 x 2,700,000 = 24,000,000 kilogram = 24,000 tonnes per month Kuala Lumpur may generate organic waste for 24,000 tonnes / month Density Asumption of organic waste composition = 90 percent = 90% x 24,000 tonnes = 21,600 tonnes 1 tonnes of organic waste x (21-CH4) = 1 CER 21,600 tonnes of organic waste x (21) = 453,600 CER 9
  • 10. Simple Equation for Carbon Emission Trading (CET) from Recycled-Reduced Organic Waste : July 1st 1 CER = EUR 20 (as assumption) CET = 453,600 CER x 0.01 x EUR 20 = EUR 90,720 Converted to Malaysian Ringgit EUR 1 EUR = MYR 5.05 (exchange rate at July 1st, 2009) = EUR 90,720 x MYR 5.05 = RM 458,136 / month of July Aug 1st 1 CER = EUR 10 (as assumption) CET = 453,600 CER x 0.01 x EUR 10 = EUR 45,360 Converted to Malaysian Ringgit EUR 1 EUR = MYR 5.05 (exchange rate at July 1st, 2009) = EUR 45,360 x MYR 5.05 = RM 229,068 / month of July On August 1st the futures price of SJ has dropped from EUR 23 to EUR 11 per 1 CER and the cash or current price for SJ drops from EUR 20 to EUR 10 per 1 CER. Because of the carbon price is falling in August, this situation doesn't look good as we need to get EUR 10 per 1 CER in cash to cover his costs and make a profit. The monthly return is decreased almost a half from the first month. The decimal point has been omitted and the calculation looks like this: 20,000 – 10,000 = 10,000 X 0.01 = EUR 100 loss per contract. Then we should short (or sell) in the carbon futures price at the EUREX market. The waste manager goes into the futures market and sells 1 contract (1,000 CER) at the current market price of EUR 10 per pound. Now lets fast forward 1 month into the future and see how this protects his profit margins. The calculation will be like below: 23,000 – 11,000 = 12,000 X 0.01 = EUR 120 profit per contract. Now let's analyze what the hedge has done to partially protect the waste manager’s price risk. The EUR 100 cash loss is offset by the EUR 120 profit in the futures market, leaving him with a theoretical profit on the hedging strategy of EUR 20. This is not a bad deal. 3.4.2. Further Simulation Scenario 1: Price falls in the cash and futures market At this point, a waste manager receive a nett-return, which is the profit return from the futures market is offset with the loss from the cash market. Cash Market Futures Market Base Profit/Loss 10 July: EUR 10/ CER Sell at EUR 13/ CER 10 Aug: EUR 8/ CER Buy at EUR 11/ CER (-) EUR 2/ CER (+) EUR 2/ CER nett Scenario 2: Price up in the cash and futures market At this point, a waste manager will still receive a nett-return, which is the profit return from the futures market is offset with the loss from the cash market. Cash Market Futures Market Base Profit/Loss 10 July: EUR 10/ CER Sell at EUR 11/ CER 10 Aug: EUR 13/ CER Buy at EUR 14/ CER (+) EUR 3/ CER (-) EUR 3/ CER nett 10
  • 11. Scenario 3: Price up in the cash and Price falls in the futures market At this point, a waste manager will receive double profit-return, which is the profit return from the futures market is accumulated with the profit from the cash market. Cash Market Futures Market Base Profit/Loss 10 July: EUR 10/ CER Sell at EUR 11/ CER 10 Aug: EUR 13/ CER Buy at EUR 8/ CER (+) EUR 3/ CER (+) EUR 3/ CER (+) EUR 6/CER Scenario 4: Harga di Pasar Fisik turun - harga di Bursa Berjangka naik At this point, a waste manager will receive double loss, which is the loss from the futures market is accumulated with the loss from the cash market. Cash Market Futures Market Base Profit/Loss 10 July: EUR 10/ CER Sell at EUR 11/ CER 10 Aug: EUR 8/ CER Buy at EUR 14/ CER (-) EUR 3/ CER (-) EUR 3/ CER (-) EUR 6/CER Conclusion From the scenarios above, first and second scenarios may give a waste manager fully price protection from hedging activity. The third scenario can be used as a profit generator by waste manager. The last fourth scenario cannot support waste manager to gain some profit return from the CER. The investment manager may also limit the risk potential by applying the first, second and third scenario of carbon emission trading in the futures market. Since the setting is incomplete by nature there exists an interval for arbitrage- free prices and we have chosen one price based on a local risk minimizing criteria. One can come up with explicit formulas for pricing and hedging under the assumption that the market's net position is common knowledge among the market participants. Under the more realistic setting where the market does not observe the net position directly the initial design of the regulatory structure for the financial instruments associated with the global carbon market will play a significant role in determining how the instruments will trade and the type of information that is available to regulators, market participants, and the general public. Existing regulatory models for financial markets, including the GHG cap-and- trade systems currently in operation, provide useful lessons for the design of a market- based approach to limit GHG emissions. Building upon these lessons, policymakers can implement an appropriate regulatory structure for allowance-based financial instruments at the outset, ensuring an efficient and effective approach to reducing the nation’s GHG emissions. References Adhikari, B.K., Barrington, S., Martinez, J., 2006. Predicted growth of world urban food waste and methane production. Waste Management Research 24, 421– 433. Agamuthu, P., 2001. Solid Waste: Principles and Management. Institute of Biological Sciences, University of Malaya. 11
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