
A project of the: Center for Building a Culture of Empathy


Welcome to the Empathy Teams project website. We have a variety of groups, teams and projects that you can take part in that are fostering empathic design, listening, connection, compassion, healing, community and peace.


Empathy Team wins $5K HUB Membership (Facebook Event)

Empathy Team 2.0 (Acumen/IDEO Course)

Empathy Cafe

Join Edwin Rutsch, Vicki Lapp and others for an empathy circle. Our intention for the circle is to foster and build a local empathic community. That is to nurture empathy for ourselves (self-empathy), deeper connection in the circle, as well as, in the larger society & world.

Dates: Mondays Weekly Meetings

Time: 7 pm

Location: Au Coquelet Cafe, 2000 University Ave, Berkeley, CA

More info:

This url http://j.mp/Empathy-Team