Miles Davis’ visual data biography

Born May 26, 1926, died September 28, 1991. He would have turned 90 years young in 2016. A music phenomenon, a jazz legend.

Some paper biographies were probably published and ‘new’ album compilations were released (a deceased artist is… kind of a cash cow, you know). Besides, “A number of other projects are afoot as well, promising to add more interest to and raise his legacy higher than ever”, a quote we can read at

In the mean time, we were questioning ourselves: aren’t those old school biographies outdated by now? OK, maybe not the paper copy as such, as we still should enjoy the smell and touch of paper; rather the full text artist’s career analysis some renowned music scientists can familiarise with.

What would you prefer as storytelling? A static page…


versus an interactive bio / story… Check the project here


The Colors of Music 2015


Album Colors of the Year 2015 showcases the rainbow of colors used in the year’s best album covers.

Expect covers from The Decemberists (pink), Adele (tan), Snoop Dogg (green), Lana Del Rey (blue), Alabama Shakes (black), Bell and Sebastian (gray), Florence and the Machine (white) among dozens of others.

Music is like a rainbow.

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