Apocalypse Then. Next One, When?

Mark BosloughSandia researcher Mark Boslough with an image from a simulated mid-air explosion of an asteroid. (Credit: Randy Montoya/Sandia)

Monday marks the 100th anniversary of the moment when something roared through the empty skies over Siberia and exploded, blasting forests for hundreds of square miles. More such incoming space rocks are inevitable. Are we ready? No.

Last year, scientists at the Sandia National Laboratories in New Mexico did some simulations (here’s one virtual Tunguska-like fireball) and proposed that the object, most likely an asteroid, could well have been just a few dozen yards across. That is distressing, disaster experts say, because near-earth objects this size are presumed to be much more common than larger space rocks, and they are too small to be easily spotted long in advance with the telescopes used to track such debris. (For more, New Scientist has a nice Tunguska overview.)

So while the odds are that the next Tunguska-size object will arrive over the ocean or Earth’s still-vast stretches of empty land, there’s no reason why it couldn’t explode over Chicago or Taipei. The big near-Earth objects, or NEO’s, are being tracked fairly well, but quite a few experts on space, risk, and resilience say we’d better start sifting for the small ones, too. And then there’s the matter of doing something about it, so the endgame looks more like “Armageddon” than “Deep Impact.” The world is in the early stages of devising methods for deflecting asteroids. To get a sense of what’s out there, have a look, too, at this mesmerizing animated graphic showing just how much space rock is floating around (of the size astronomers are currently tracking, at least):

close callsAnimation linked with permission, created by the Center for Minor Planets,
the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory. Click for details.

The graphic shows known flybys of large asteroids within 12 million miles of Earth — the blue dot in the center — in 2002. The animation was created by Gareth Williams of the Minor Planet Center at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, under the auspices of the International Astronomical Union). These are somewhat close calls by Solar System standards and don’t include objects anywhere near the small size of whatever blew up over Siberia 100 years ago.

I asked Rusty Schweickart, an Apollo 9 astronaut who’s become a leading voice in the push for taking space rocks seriously, to weigh in on the centennial of Tunguska, and he wrote a whimsical letter that explains the risk and possible response by “someone” who took a little action back in 1908. Click to have a look.

Rusty SchweickartRusty Schweickart, an Apollo astronaut, has been pressing for more work to spot and deflect earthbound asteroids. He spoke about the risk at the Hayden Planetarium in 2005. (Jennifer S. Altman for The New York Times)

Rusty Schweickart of the B612 Foundation wrote this imagined letter to explain the situation:

Dear Sasha & Tatiana:

Well, 100 years have now passed and I finally feel comfortable in letting you know that I really appreciate the sacrifice you made (or your family that might have been made) when I slowed the Earth’s rotation momentarily back in late June 1908. That’s not something I normally do(!) but in that case I really felt I had to intervene.

You see, what’s now referred to as the Tunguska impactor, a smallish asteroid about 40 meters in diameter, was headed for an impact with Earth, directly over Moscow. It would have been a disaster of truly huge proportions, and I just couldn’t stomach that given what Russia was going through at the time. So I slowed the Earth down for a bit… just a few minutes per day for a few weeks. As a result the asteroid hit way out in the middle of Siberia instead of directly over Moscow.

Now there are surely millions of present day Muscovites who owe their lives to the sacrifice that your great-grandfather made in taking the hit for them. In all likelihood he and your great-grandmother would have had many more children than just your grandmother, but there he was in the most desolate section of Siberia, tending his reindeer herd, far, far from everyone else. I’m truly sorry that you don’t have many more cousins to celebrate the holidays with, but in the larger scheme of things it seemed to be the right thing to do at the time.

But I’m really tired of this kind of intervention; it just takes too much out of old fate to pull of this kind of thing in the future. Since so much has happened in the past 100 years in terms of technology development, you and your fellows around the planet are really able to handle this kind of thing yourselves. I mean, after all, your telescopes are now finding the larger asteroids that make close passes by Earth, and soon they’ll be finding the smaller ones like the Tunguska impactor. At least they could be doing that.

And as you know shoving an asteroid slightly off its course is far simpler (and cheaper) than going out to take pictures of yet another of Saturn’s moons!

So I’m pretty content to let the celestial clockwork and human ingenuity run their course undisturbed by pro-active fate. From my perspective it seems that with all the tools required, both an early warning capability and the ability to intervene to slightly alter an asteroid’s orbit, humanity ought to be able to get the job done without me mucking about with space-time.

So good luck. All it really takes is for you to convince your fellow human beings that they really are all related and really can, by coming to a simple agreement to act in concert, protect both themselves and future human (and fellow creatures’) generations by sharing the risk of slightly shrinking or enlarging any threatening asteroid’s orbit so that it misses the Earth. Really, you can do this, provided you can all get together. Yes, I know, that’s a big challenge. But let me tell you, it’s a far smaller feat for you to slightly alter the shape of the local universe than it is for me to slow down the rotation of the Earth!

Good luck.


In his testimony on hazardous asteroids before the House Science Committee last November, Mr. Schweickart, representing his B612 Foundation, included this closing line to lawmakers:

NEOs are part of nature. A NEO impact is a natural hazard in much the same way as are hurricanes, tsunamis, floods, etc. NEO impacts are deceptively infrequent, yet devastating at potentially unimaginable levels. NEOs are however not our enemies. We do not need to “defend” against NEOs, we need to protect ourselves from their occasional impact, as we do with other natural hazards. Unlike other natural hazards, however, NEO impacts can be predicted well ahead of time and actually prevented from occurring. If we live up to our responsibility, if we wisely use our amazing technology, and if we are mature enough, as a nation and as a community of nations, there may never again be a substantially damaging asteroid impact on the Earth. We have the ability to make ourselves safe from cosmic extinction. If we cannot manage to meet this challenge, we will, in my opinion, have failed to meet our evolutionary responsibility.

A few years earlier, I’d met him at a conference in Boulder, Colo. Mr. Schweickart had just given testimony before a a Senate committee, and told a depressing story about his conversations with staff members shortly afterward. To a person, they said the lawmakers they worked for were convinced of the threat and need to invest more in protection. And to a person, he recalled, they apologized that new money was unlikely because making the deflection of asteroids a priority might backfire in reelection campaigns.

Last year in an earlier post on asteroid impacts, Mr. Schweickart mused on an issue at the heart of Dot Earth — how political systems, reflecting human nature, still seem to be having a hard time integrating scientific understanding, uncertainties and all, in ways that result in policies and investments that could blunt risks while fostering prosperity.

That same dynamic (or lack of dynamics) is at the heart of the climate-energy challenge, but also this one, and others. For instance, political imperatives are prompting the rebuilding of sections of New Orleans that coastal and ocean experts say are inevitably going to be immersed.

In the end, that is why Dot Earth is not a climate blog, or an environment blog. It is an exploration of how humans, on the road toward a population of 9 billion, more or less, can limit losses from “slow drips” and “hard knocks” of all kinds — from indoor air pollution and diarrhea to asteroids and global warming.

Do we have the technical capacity to spot and divert the next Tunguska or a bigger cousin? Yes.

Are actions keeping pace with emerging understanding of this threat?

Mr. Schweickart says it’s not even close.

Comments are no longer being accepted.

Let me just say that it would be ironic if AGW exists and was prevented from causing disaster, we conquered the new superdiseases, we solved the energy crisis, we eliminated world hunger, and we managed to turn war into a series of paintball games only to be wiped out by a giant rock.

And knowing our luck, that’s probably what would happen.

If we can’t even begin to survive the resourse impact of 9 Billion people, why worry about the impact of space rocks? It’s Dieback either way…


Thanks, Andy for this brilliant account of the
Tunguska asteroid impact in Siberia 100 years ago. It’s also a meaningful metaphor about what we can do about the risks of a variety of natural and human-induced disasters.

I have the ultimate solution: invent a timemachine, so that prior to an apocalyptic disaster all of humanity collectively zap back or forward to another point in time.

I’m sure James Hansen and Al Gore can lead this project, they are experts in burning our money.

Now serious: maybe we should battle famine first.

great piece Andy

Steven Earl Salmony June 30, 2008 · 7:03 am

Before we get too worked up about BIG asteroids, there is plenty of evidence to indicate that we had better pay attention here and now to BIG COAL, BIG OIL, BIG TOBACCO and BIG TRAVEL (ie, FAT-CATS in PRIVATE JETS)

At the Height of an Energy Crisis, Fat-Cat CEOs Still Litter the Skies with Private Jets

By Chuck Collins and Sarah Anderson, AlterNet. Posted June 28, 2008.

If shareholders, corporate watchdogs and consumer groups would like to know just how weak the oversight of corporate management is in America, they need to check out the abuse of corporate jets.

The private jet industry has more than doubled its sales in the past five years, and corporate executives form the backbone of its clientele. In addition to legitimate business trips, many executives and their families have access to the company jet for personal use, an expense picked up by their companies’ other stakeholders, including shareholders and employees. And the rest of us pay a price in diminished air quality as a result of these heavily polluting jets.

Private jet owners probably have noticed that wholesale fuel prices have increased 418 percent over the past five years, adding $5,000 to a Gulfstream jet flight between New York and Los Angeles. But this is small potatoes for a high-flier who shelled out 10,000 times that amount or more to buy the plane in the first place. At a time when both major-party presidential candidates are vowing to give shareholders greater influence over executive compensation, the private-jet perk deserves special attention.

Stakeholders now can get a better look at jet usage among corporate titans, because new rules require the disclosure of all perks valued at more than $10,000. Personal use of corporate jets was the most common perk among 386 of the largest companies on Standard & Poor’s 500. A Corporate Library study found that more than half of the 215 companies surveyed allowed or required executives to use company aircraft on personal trips, with a median cost to shareholders of $182,929.

The companies with the highest fliers include Abercrombie & Fitch, which gave CEO Mike Jeffries $1.4 million worth of corporate jet time over the past two years, and Starwood Hotels, which spent $866,178 in 2006 flying CEO Steven Heyer back and forth between his Atlanta home and corporate headquarters in New York.

Sometimes it’s the CEOs’ relatives who benefit. Tyson Foods Chairman John Tyson is allotted 120 hours per year of corporate jet time, which he can parcel out to friends and family whether or not he accompanies them on the trip. In 2007, Qwest Communications ponied up several hundred thousand dollars so that new CEO Edward Mueller’s wife and stepdaughter could use the corporate jet to commute between Qwest’s Denver headquarters and a home in California.

It’s the norm these days for the largest firms to require CEOs to use private jets for all travel, including personal vacations, citing concerns for their executives’ security. New York University School of Business professor David Yermack says this arrangement “is like telling the CEO: ‘We insist that you eat at a five-star restaurant for your own nutrition, and we insist that you drink $800 champagne for your health.'”

When corporate boards are approving such outrageous perks, you have to wonder what else they might be signing off on. Indeed, in virtually every recent case of corporate corruption, private jets have played a role. Countrywide Financial’s Angelo Mozilo, under investigation for his role in the subprime mortgage meltdown, threatened to resign in 2007 unless the company let his wife fly with him and cover his personal taxes for the perk.

The private-jet perk is — literally and figuratively — a high-profile sign of an executive reward system out of control. It’s time for corporate stakeholders, including institutional investors, to intervene to help CEOs break the habit.

Do we have the technical capacity to spot and divert the next Tunguska or a bigger cousin? Yes.

Are actions keeping pace with emerging understanding of this threat?

Mr. Schweickart says it’s not even close.

Do we have the technical capacity to produce energy without fossil fuels, yes.

Are actions keeping pace with emerging understanding of this threat?


Why is that?

Because we have more important things to do like make short term money as we destroy the Earth.

As I understand it, the tricky thing about tracking objects in orbits close to Earth’s is that they spend much of their time inside our orbit. Being between the Sun and us, they can be much harder to see than they would be if we were looking at them from the Sun-side, as we can for most of the asteroids and comets in the rest of the solar system. If one was coming at us directly from sun-ward we might not even know it until it was almost upon us!

What’s really needed is a telescope in a much closer orbit to look outwards and tell us what it sees. Something like Hubble, but orbiting Venus instead of Earth. Shouldn’t cost more than a few months in Iraq. Is it worth it?

Excellent and poignant article underscoring the importance of our continued exploration and examination of our planet’s space environment. Amid the constant alarmist bickering over the role of CO2 in our planet’s continued shifting of climate whether caused or accelerated by human activity and similar hair splitting, the true threats to our status-quo go un-heralded as the siren of alarm numbs our sensibilities.
I hope that while placing the Tunguska event into perpspective we also come to realize that our false sense of security regarding impacts like this and worse is largely perceptual based on our limited understanding of our own history and its woefully human timescale, and I hope we realize that impacts might not be the rare events we’ve come to consider them as being, and that they may not arrive singularly and only on rare occasions, but as swarms of potentially devastating event producers, as our planet enters into regions of our Milky Way where clouds of potentially planet- disrupting objects are a genuine concern and are something we can and should do something about…and soon.

Dear President Obama/McCain,

Please restore the NASA Mission statement to read To understand and protect our home planet; to explore the universe and search for life; to inspire the next generation of explorers … as only NASA can.

Please forget any idea of sending humans to Mars anytime soon — we have more pressing problems to deal with right here (sure it would be fun — but where’s the cream filling? We can do Mars stuff with rovers).

Please devote the money saved to expanding NASA’s Earth observation, Earth science, and near-Earth object monitoring programs.

NASA is trying to keep an eye on space rocks but as Mr. Schweickart said, the budget is currently of the shoestring variety. And as he pointed out we need to develop ways to deal with this global threat. Or we could just cross our fingers.



[Andy — I clicked on the pic to have a look but your pic is not a link]

Assteroid George. June 30, 2008 · 8:16 am

I think that Washington incurred a disastrous impact some eight years ago, when the Bush administration pulled into town.

The fallout may take decades to clear.

Elizabeth Tjader comments:

I never thought I’d read anything in this column to which I’d respond to the subject matter: “Please tell me your kidding.”
With great respect to Rusty Schweikart, based on today’s world, this is the last thing I’m betting most people give a hoot about. If we think global warming has had a difficult time permeating the psyche’s of most citizens, let’s do a survey on NEO’s.
And speaking of New Orlean’s, I wonder how the folks down there feel about appopriation of any funds to this study when many of the Katrina victims still don’t have homes.
Elizabeth Tjader


We’ve got your back covered.


One wonders if the present political climate in the US recognizes any public interest outside of weapons development at which to employ scientists at public expense.

From Wang Suya

It is interesting to call asteriod attack as Tunguska impactor. Maybe it comes from 12th century my ancestor Tunguska occupied Europe and gave European many fears. Now the world call asteriod as Tunguska impactor. Any way, nowaday, we really facing the attack from out space, fortunately, they were all fall down at wild. However one big disaster from space to crowed place will arrive. Our human being developed astornomy, I think that it is not only want to know the universe but also should use it to protect human being. Using astronomical observatory and cumputer to predict asteriod when will be arrive where. When we know it, the people are living at there should evacuate. If now we have this techonology, we should prepare the moment of this, if now we do not have this technology, we should develop it, to protect ourselve. Like fight agianst global warming, avoid asteriod attack is our human being selfdefence. Unfortunatelly, people many be recognise asteriod attack, but still many people do not recognise global warming attack. Yes, toward world population till 9 billion, we have many issues need to solve. Hope human being love their blue planet, earth. Prepare many way to servival, like Danny bloom’s polar cities are one way.

One other signicant cause may have been the release of methane and explosion…It has been none to happen in modern times at least once. The reason that is a possibility, is that no evidence of pieces of the meteor have been found, although there is a planned expedition to visit a strange oval shaped lake this summer (i recall).

here’s the citation out of physics.org:


Elizabeth Tjader comments:

I just discovered a way to qualify my previous post in 8 words or less:
Read Thomas Friedman’s 6/29 column: “Anxious in America.”
Somehow NEO’s just don’t seem that critical right now.
Elizabeth Tjader

C. Alexander Brown, Rockcliffe Park, Canada. June 30, 2008 · 9:50 am

The matter of integrating scientific knowledge (one should add AND Engineering knowledge)into policies and investment is something that varies considerably over time.
In the Napoleonic era and the decades following, science and the application of discoveries and inventions to practical use was enormously important to several governments, notably France’s and Britain’s. One need only think of the Rosetta Stone and the magnificent advances the crafting of timepieces and the study of astronomy.
In Britain during World War II for example there was a virtual frenzy of adopting scientific advances for the War effort. Churchill himself even got personally involved.
During the period of the USSR’s existence, science was important to the government, but political interference and repression, ideological doctrines (e.g.,The New Man, and also the power given to T.D. Lysenko by Stalin) and the USSR’s fortress state existence were powerful negative and retarding factors.
The under-reported story of the Jimmy Carter Presidency was the enormous resources — including from universities and not just governments that went into energy research. All of it serious and much of it promising. Ronald Reagan chopped this program dead. This is not a political comment; I was a Programme Development Officer of Canada’s “Energy Conservation and Renewable Energy Programme” at the time, and watched with astonishment from the sidelines that act of national scientific (and economic) vandalism. Much was lost. Had this work continued uninterrupted, America would be right now at the absolute forefront of energy conservation and renewable energy development. And the rubbish claim that one still hears about jobs being destroyed and the economy damaged would not be an issue. Using a Federal summer youth employment programme, for example, I personally — together with a handful of colleagues — created hundreds of jobs for young in every Province of Canada, some of which evolved into permanent jobs. Our newly elected Conservative Government following Reagan’s example, killed off our programme.
God willing, the coming regime change in Washington will see an ignition of really serious support for science research and applications. For a symbolic start, The Congressional Office of Technology Assessment –OTA (also Killed off by Ronald Reagan) could be revived (Do Congressmen/women & Senators read these blogs? Perhaps not).
In my opinion, The creation of the OTA was one of the truly significant contributions to the America nation by Senator Ted Kennedy (Does his staff read these blogs?).
As for the present? There is all sort of interesting stuff happening ‘out there’ in the big wide world of science. The creation by France of the city of Sophia-Antipolis. Imagine, creating a whole new modern city dedicated to science and technology. Wow..!! Vive la France!
Another example; the Singapore Government’s replication of Canada’s International Development & Research Center –IDRC (What is the IDRC? A shining jewel of international aid and development in science, medicine, food production, etc. Deserves a Nobel nomination). One of the things that make me truly proud to be a Canuck, but oddly enough, because it lives in the shadows, as it were, for example without any PR staff, ignored by the government which seriously underfunds it, most Canadians, including politicians and journalists do not even know about its existence and its greatness. To say nothing of you Yanks. Ha! (Hello NYTImes, here’s your chance.)
But back to the business of space rocks with the names of earth’s cities written on them, it is an open secret ((an aside, you Yanks cannot keep secrets. This is a very dangerous fault. I remember a Secretary of Defense named Brown (no relation, thank goodness, but a truly admirable man, a scientist and in my book a really Great American) reportedly leaking an important military secret so as to to give Jimmy Carter a political boost)) that Israel and America have been working on a powerful laser weapon (vide Photonics Spectra journal). Perhaps this thing could be used to deflects these killer rocks by slowly changing their orbits. Meantime, the development of this weapon is one of the things that, with a thousand other things in this dangerous world full of madmen hell bent on killing us and destroying our civilization (Gandhi was wrong, we ARE civilized) scares the daylights out of me. As Rodney King asked, “Why can’t we get along?” Cue John and Yoko… “All we are saying/ Is give Peace a chance/…”

Danny Bloom comments:

Great post. Great letter from “Fate”. This is what Dot Earth is all about!

Our technical capabilities long ago surpassed our understanding of their long term ramifications. Until we understand such ramifications our actions are just as likely to cause at least as many problems as they solve. Antibiotics result in the emergence of resistant strains the same way levees create greater flooding downstream. Is it really the “slow drips” and “hard knocks” we need to watch for, or is it a critical mass in which a population plateau reaches a crash point not yet forseen? It’s human nature to want the risks blunted. Perhaps a greater understanding of the risks and consequences involved is better than blunting them and not understanding the consequences.

Rusty Schweickart is right; we need to take space rocks seriously. His letter is cute. But I would rather understand the risk and prepare for it than think or believe that we can control fate. Isn’t that what fate is all about anyway?

Help me understand the risk and the preparations I can reasonably take. Then it’s up to me and my own free will as to how I prepare.

Danny BLoom notes:

The Knight-Ridder science journalism tracking blog KSJ Tracker weighs in today on Dot Earth’s unfluence on the blogosphere:


“Andrew Revkin’s Dot Earth blog has picked up an enormous following among climate change worriers. Today he takes on a different vulnerability of the planet – to asteroid strikes. Blogs by newspaper writers are a hybrid reporting form, with the upfront personal voice of a blogger (or columnist) and, unlike many blogs, and especially of the non-political variety, enriched by enterprising reporting. Such mass media-based blogs don’t as commonly (it seems, I’ve no numbers) just react to news from elsewhere, look things up on the web, or rely on spontaneous tips sent by readers and publicity-seekers. They rely a bit more on freshly reported info.

This one neatly combines the political resistance to action that might make a pol look a bit loonie to voters, and the hard facts of orbital mechanics. The latter, it is argued here, makes it prudent to learn how to deflect smaller impactors, at least (and it explains why the small ones look more dangerous than had been thought until recently).

For all that there is nothing dreadfully new in Andy’s latest post. But it illustrates the muscle of a well-reported blog. Biggest reason to read it: an embedded, looping video that the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics put together about five years ago. It shows Earth plowing along as just the known near-Earth asteroids, and hence the ones deemed harmless in the foreseeable future, zoom by with frightening proximity and frequency. What of the ones we don’t yet know about?”

If the United States wants to put a permanent base on the moon, a valuable mission would be to place an observatory on the far side where it could look for earth approaching objects. The total absence of atmospheric distortion would make the moon a perfect observation platform. Thus, ever smaller objects could be discovered and cataloged according to their potential threat.

Such an observatory could be automatic (like the Hubble Space Telescope) or manned or a hybrid mission. The major cost would be to construct the moon based telescope and associated support structures and equipment.

If we’re going to the moon to stay, this would be a mission with payback.

During the 1840s, about 40% of the US federal budget was devoted to scientific exploration and the establishment of the land-grant universities.

Just a heads-up, that I’ve just put out a new version of Dot Earth Defender. New feature: Safe Mode, that you can set to turn those 250-comment robotic-cockroach-infested threads into readable form.

[I’m using Dot Earth Defender v.1.6, a comment threading/filtering/reformatting script, to boost the signal in the Dot Earth comments section.]

We know with 99% certainty that both LA and Tokyo will be hit by catastrophic earthquakes within 100 years.

Comparing this to the minute odds of an urban Tunguska event, it becomes obvious that we need to focus our efforts on real world problems, rather than Hoolywood sci-fi.

BTW – If the earth keeps warming at the current decadal rate, the temperature will be no different in 100 years. Scary stuff.