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Last Updated: Friday, 8 October, 2004, 10:02 GMT 11:02 UK
Bomb blast hits embassy in Paris
French policemen stand by car destroyed in embassy blast
Blast scene - French officials were not aware of specific threats
A bomb has exploded at the Indonesian embassy in Paris, injuring up to 10 people including embassy staff.

The explosive device was in a parcel planted at the base of a flagpole outside the embassy, French Interior Minister Dominique de Villepin said.

Flying glass caused most of the injuries, officials said. Four embassy staff are said to be among those hurt.

France said later it was boosting security around embassies and other "sensitive sites".

'No specific threats'

Indonesia's president-elect, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, said the blast was a terrorist act.

"I strongly condemn the terrorist act done at the Indonesian embassy in Paris," said Mr Yudhoyono, who is to be sworn in later this month.

"I do hope the government of France will take appropriate action to bring the perpetrator to justice," he told reporters.

Windows of nearby buildings and cars were shattered by the blast, which left a small crater in the street. The embassy is at 47-49 Rue Cortambert.

It is not known who was behind the explosion, which startled residents of Paris' exclusive 16th district at around 0500 local time (0300 GMT).

"I had the impression I was being hurled from my window," a local woman, Annie Mayret, told the Associated Press news agency.

Mr de Villepin said he was not aware of any specific threats but the blast was "obviously an act with criminal intent".

Police investigators had sealed off the street around the embassy and were combing it for clues.

Militants linked to Islamist causes have repeatedly struck at western targets in the world's most populous Muslim nation, most recently bombing the Australian embassy in Jakarta.

Both Paris and Jakarta have been vocal critics of the US-led campaign in Iraq.

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