11. International KinoKabaret Berlin 2014 - FILM KITCHEN
ANMELDEFORMULAR - FILME GEMEINSAM MACHEN IN 2 x 3 TAGEN: Details: http://kinoberlino.tumblr.com/about

Event dates: August 30 - September 7. Party and one day of barbecue in the middle.

Location (KinoLab, Sound Studio, Bar, Editing Area, Equipment Rental, Garden, Restaurant, Playground, Bee Hive): Jugendclub ELOK - Laskerstr. 6-8 in 10245 Berlin Friedrichshain, near S-Ostkreuz. http://zope2.in-berlin.de:8100/wsb/elok/

Screenings on September 2 and 6, Cinema Moviemento, Kottbusser Damm 22, Berlin Kreuzberg @ 10 PM - http://www.moviemento.de
Optional welcome screening on August 28 (Early arriving Kinoites may present one short film they directed at another KinoKabaret).

DEADLINE Please fill this form before August 15!
Before you fill the form, please create yourself a COPY account (get 20 GB free cloud space for file sharing) here: https://copy.com/?r=swbWF8
Upload a good printable high-res 300dpi headshot / portrait JPG picture of yourself there (unless we have a picture from a previous edition) plus a filmography and give us the links to download it in the form! If you are a director or author, please upload your screenplay / production plan this way. (Note: If you are new to filesharing remember: Don't copy the file link from the browser but let COPY create a short link for sharing! There is an extra button for that function!)

What is a kino movie? Here are two examples:
COMEDY (Austria) http://j.mp/HecTicTac
MAGICAL ROMANCE (Belgium) http://j.mp/F0CU5

Please read the description of this film workshop as well as the rules and regulations:
RULES: http://serum-core.de/kinoberlino/RULES.pdf
GUIDE: http://serum-core.de/kinoberlino/GUIDE.pdf

Please INSURE your health and equipment properly in Germany!

KinoBerlino hosts the largest international KinoKabaret in Europe in 2014. We have become very popular in the independent short film scene and thank all previous participants, team members and supporters for their work and energy.
Artists from over 20 countries made more than 1000 short films at our events. Several kinoites qualified for elite film schools, created commercial production companies, improved their skills in acting, editing, filming, or composing. KinoBerlino has seeded or inspired new kino cells in many European cities. Our films are broadcast and some have been selected for other international film festivals.
Both the cinema Moviemento and the production venue (KinoLab at youth club ELOK) have a limited capacity. To respect this fact and the nerves of our organization team members, we will limit the number of participants to 160 this year by closing the application form earlier.

Watch a collage of faces from 2012: http://dai.ly/x12sny0

Some additional guidelines:

1. We will limit the number of films per round by raising their quality. To avoid extremely long and tiring screenings, we decided that each director may create one film at our event plus a quickie. The maximum running time will be 7 minutes. This way we inspire collaboration and bigger teams, because the directors who are not busy will assist other filmmakers and share their wisdom and skills. Friendships evolve through the spirit of collaboration. We believe that a director should learn to make one film that is important instead of several meaningless videos.

2. Directors are advised to upload their film script or synopsis with the application form as pdf. Spontaneous movies (i.e. "quickies") are still possible, because they belong to the KinoKabaret philosophy. Yet we believe that a good director should know what she or he wants. So a plan (script or synopsis, shot list, storyboard, approximate cast and crew list, realistic locations and equipment plans, props and make-up ideas) is the minimum that we expect the directors to provide for their teams. Premeditation becomes bliss for your audience. There is no competition involved, nor do we give awards.

3. Nobody sleeps in the kinolab. Due to sanitary reasons and several cases of misconduct by over-zealous individuals in the last years, KinoBerlino decided to stop hosting participants at our event venue. There will be no sleeping room and no camping! We extended the productions rounds by one day so everyone has a chance to sleep at their Berlin accommodation (host, hotel, couchsurfing, etc.).

4. Berlin participants are highly advised to host foreign guests. The guests will behave decently. While we cannot force Berlin residents to become hosts, we will ask them for specific reasons, if they refuse to host a guest. Since the number of KinoKabaret participants is limited, we need criteria for our registration. Kino is about SHARING space, time, talent, skills, and enthusiasm.

5. Party after each screening. To vent your energy after the film premieres, we try to organize a party location at a bar close to the cinema. So you can celebrate your work, plan the next film, flirt, dance, and listen to our DJ. Keep in mind that a hangover obstructs your creativity!

6. Skill building workshops. KinoKabarets are filmmaking laboratories. So we will offer several workshops, depending on the availability of tutors. These lessons will focus on steadycam work, basic video editing on Linux, introductions to animation with Blender, acting preparations, short film creation and festival distribution.

7. Barbecue day in the middle. To regain energy, we have inserted a day for relaxation after round one. So the second production meeting will start in the evening of that day.

8. Great film equipment. Depending on the availability of new sponsors, we endeavour to get high quality cameras, lenses, lights, sound equipment and rigs.

9. Talent pool. There are always enough directors and actors at our events. To reach out, we encourage every filmmaker to invite gifted and mature camera operators, focus pullers, gaffers, editors, writers, make-up artists, designers, prop-makers, musicians, sound experts, assistant directors, production managers, and multi-talents. A contact list will be provided for all participants after the event, so you can continue to collaborate and grow artistically.

Kino encourages participants to learn about the craft of filmmaking by making films, unshackled by the burden of resources, time and money. Kino provides filmmakers of all skillset, background, ability and experience with a support network to write, shoot and edit their projects as well as an opportunity to show the work to a large audience. Founded in Montreal twelve years ago, the movement has spawned cells in cities around the globe. The week-long filmmaking experiment will pair veterans with newbie filmmakers, actors and crew members (absolute beginners or industry professionals). More experienced kinoïtes will mentor teams and infuse the workshop with their own unique perspectives, skills and culture. Participants will team up to write, shoot and edit short films during 3 days of each round, at the end of which the resulting work will be screened to a cinema audience. The  screening might be followed by a party in honor of the participants and organizers. The films are broadcast & maybe uploaded.

Participants will meet and edit in the KINO LAB, situated at ELOK, Laskerstrasse 6 - 8, Berlin Friedrichshain, S Ostkreuz. The KINO LAB will be fitted with a little bit of filmmaking and sound recording equipment. Editors should bring their laptops. The KinoKabaret is a non-competitive, collaborative project: participants with experience will assist those who need it. Sharing equipment, lodging and skills is the backbone of this workshop. Please carefully read the GUIDE TO THE KINOKABARET (explanation, procedure, technical information) and the RULES (code of conduct, safety, insurance, broadcast agreement). With your registration and signature you accept them and promise not to question or discuss them. Please be punctual for the production meetings! Please label all your equipment with your name. There will be a lot of equipment all over the place!
What makes KinoKabarets special is its mix of participants: Amateurs mix with more experienced people, artists mix with technicians, locals mix with international participants, and people of all abilities learn from one another. The concept is successful and a lot of fun precisely because it is inclusive and non-judgmental. As we endeavor to make the KinoKabaret an accessible event, the KINO LAB will be made accessible for people with a disability. We have a ramp.

The KinoKabaret is open to participants 18 years of age and over, of all backgrounds, abilities, skills and experience. Participants will accepted regardless of skills or previous experience. We strive for realistic integration within the filmmaking teams as determined by available resources.
The participation fee is 20 EUROs for each round, so 40 for the whole event. All registrations must be received by August 15, 2014 or earlier, if the event capacity is reached. Remember to bring enough funds for public transport, food, emergencies, props, your production.

The International KinoKabaret 2014 is kindly supported by: ELOK + MOVIEMENTO + APEIRON FILMS + ALEX TV + 25p *cine support + Rock'n Roll Rental + SAE Institute + LEMONAID  + ChariTea + WWS Berlin + ZOOM + BERLINER FILMFESTIVALS + CPU NET + Video- und Filmverband Berlin / Brandenburg + Quartiermeister + DEDO WEIGERT FILM

Watch our TRAILER: https://vimeo.com/98252508
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Fill with care! In case you want an official invitation document for visa purposes, be extra correct!
Bitte gewissenhaft ausfüllen, insbesondere, falls du ein Visum benötigst.
Name *
Your Name and Surname / Vor- und Zuname
You must be at least 18 years old!  DD.MM.YYYY  /   Ab 18 Jahren. TT.MM.JJJJ
where you live / Adresse
ZIP-code and city *
example: 10112 Berlin
Country / Land *
Current residence / Derzeitiger Wohnort
Email *
This is how we contact you! / WICHTIG, denn wir kontaktieren dich so!
Cell phone number / Telefon *
Please use the international format: 0049 123 45 67 890
Portfolio / Deine Homepage *
Link your own website, blog, portfolio, social media page, etc. with more information about you and your work and talents
Recent Portrait / Head Shot (FirstName_LastName_2014.jpg) *
Insert direct short download link to the 300dpi JPG image for our contact wall which you have uploaded on: https://copy.com/?r=swbWF8 -(Exception: Write "you have my printed photo", if you saw yourself on a previous contact wall). If you are new to filesharing: Don't copy the file link from the browser but let COPY create a short link for sharing! There is an extra button for that function ! --- Trag den von COPY zum Teilen extra generierten Link zu deinem Portrait ein, das wir für die Kontaktwand ausdrucken sollen! (Ausnahme: Schreib "Ihr habt mein gedrucktes Foto", falls dem so ist). So sieht ein solcher Link aus: https://copy.com/7AIHa4HsldxB (Bitte nicht so: https://www.copy.com/browse/copy/xxxxxxx.jpg)
your Kino-Cell
If you are a Kinoïte, tell us which group you belong to! / Kinoïten tragen hier ihre Zelle ein!
The dates of your availability and participation. Each round costs 20 € in cash. Deadline for registration is August 15.

Tage deiner Verfügbarkeit bei uns. Jede Runde kostet 20 €. Anmeldeschluss ist der 15. August.
Which session will you attend? *
Welche Runden besuchst du? Round 1: August 30 - September 2 / Round 2: September 3 - 7
We strongly advise Berlin participants to host our international guests. Wise travelers plan their stay in Berlin in advance and try to find a place themselves. NOBODY CAN SLEEP IN THE KINOLAB. / Wir empfehlen Berlinern dringend, Gäste aufzunehmen. Weise Anreisende planen ihren Aufenthalt sorgfältig im Voraus! KEINER SCHLÄFT DIRKET IM KINOLABOR.
Here you can describe yourself briefly! If you wonder, what a Kino movie looks like, consult a work by the festival director: http://j.mp/F0CU5 (Like and share it!)

Beschreib dich hier ganz kurz. Für Neulinge in diesem Genre gibt es ein festivaltaugliches Beispiel vom Festivaldirektor zum Herzen und Teilen: http://j.mp/HecTicTac 
Filmography (FirstName_LastName_Filmography_2014.pdf) - Optional
Please insert the download link to the PDF list file for our talent pool uploaded on: https://copy.com/?r=swbWF8 -- Bitte gib uns den kurzen Link zum Herunterladen deiner Filmographie, so vorhanden!
Choose your main skill! If you select "Director" or "Screenwriting", remember to send us your script or synopsis. - Deine Hauptbegabung. RegisseurInnen und AutorInnen verlinken bitte ihr Drehbuch oder die Zusammenfassung.
Screenplay / Synopsis (FirstName_LastName_FILM_TITLE.pdf) - Optional
Insert a direct short download link to the PDF file uploaded on: https://copy.com/?r=swbWF8 -- Bitte gib uns den kurzen Link zum Herunterladen deines Drehbuchentwurfs!
Your additional function! - Deine zweite Begabung!
Choose your third strenght for our event! - Deine dritte Stärke!
List of your equipment / Deine Filmtechnik *
Name tag and insure your stuff, please! -- Beschriftet all eure Geräte und versichert sie und euch selbst bitte ausreichend!
How will you help our event crew?
Wie hilfst du uns organisatorisch?
Wish list / Wunschliste
Depending on availability, we can try and organize special equipment. Please try to plan easy movies. -- Je nach Verfügbarkeit versuchen wir, Filmtechnik zu beschaffen. Plant aber bitte realistische Projekte!
special diet / Nahrungsspezialisten *
We will provide basic breakfast, snacks and cheap drinks. The warm food is offered for affordable prices as well by our event location crew for dinner. We call the workshop FILM KITCHEN for a reason! / Wir versorgen Euch mit Frühstück, Snacks und preiswerten Getränken. Warmes günstiges Abendbrot kocht das Hauspersonal. Nicht umsonst nennt sich die Veranstaltung Filmküche!
Tick the workshops that you'd wish to attend. They will last 2 - 4 hours and be guided by experts. The exact schedule will be published upon your arrival. / Wählt die Seminare, die euch interessieren würden. Je nach Verfügbarkeit teilen wir Euch die genauen Termine bei Veranstaltungsbeginn mit.
Are you prepared? / Gut vorbereitet? *
Please plan ahead of time so you can form teams and start filming right away. Directors are advised to prepare a pitch for their project: Title, approx. duration, genre, plot, locations, caracters, required crew members, equipment. -- Bitte plant eure Projekte im Voraus, damit ihr sofort mit der Besetzung und dem Teamaufbau beginnen könnt! RegisseurInnen bereiten bitte ihre Projektvorstellung so auf: Titel, Laufzeit, Inhalt, Genre, Plot, Drehorte, Rollen, benötigte Filmteammitglieder, Filmtechnik!
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