Demand for higher education is increasing globally with enrollment projected to increase to 263 million students by 2025. However, rising student debt and questioning of education's value is occurring as costs skyrocket. Digital technologies allow for near zero cost copying and distribution of content. This has led to growth in open educational resources including open courseware, textbooks, and journals which are freely available and can be customized. Massive open online courses (MOOCs) are also increasing but challenges remain regarding faculty adoption of open resources and ensuring quality. Open licensing of publicly funded educational resources maximizes sharing and returns on investments, benefiting learning.
Capt Szymanski presented research from Project MARTHA showing that over long voyages, fatigue negatively impacts social cohesion aboard ships. Prof Barnett argued that fatigue is a serious issue that is often ignored, and that seafarers working for six months or more show reduced motivation and carelessness. Capt Szymanski hoped the research would prompt ship owners and managers to revise attitudes and procedures around fatigue, such as ensuring timely crew changes and engaging seafarers in decision making.
How are insurers investing and what are the most effective investment objectives out there?
• Solvency II has had marginal effect on asset allocation decision making
• Insurers are seeking out good quality loans, property, infrastructure and direct lending opportunities
• Insurers portfolios looking to generate higher yields in a risk controlled way
• InsureTech is on the rise and here to stay
The document discusses several topics related to laws that affect architectural practice in Malaysia. It begins by listing key terminologies in architectural law and explaining the importance of law in regulating the profession. It notes that law governs and oversees professional conduct, regulates development, and resolves disputes. The document then lists various laws that impact architects, developers, contractors, and consumers. It discusses the relationship between law and ethics for architects. Several professional bodies that adhere to laws governing practice are also listed. The importance of the Architect Act of 1967 in providing guidelines for registration and services is explained.
How to never work a day in your life @talent2017Kelvin Newman
32 slides•455 views
Kelvin Newman is the founder of BrightonSEO and organizer of the BrightonSEO conference. The conference started small with SEO professionals meeting in a pub to share ideas, and has grown significantly over time. It now attracts over 3,500 attendees. Newman emphasizes that the conference is practical and affordable, focusing on helping attendees improve at their jobs rather than being a commercial event. He discusses lessons from his career including creating your own job opportunities, understanding your value, and avoiding tasks that can be automated.
We all know collecting customer reviews is important. But let's take it one step further: if you could use data to understand how your customers are actually engaging with reviews, you could see big revenue impact by just leveraging your customer feedback in effective ways.
We surveyed over 1,000 consumers to understand how they feel about reading, writing and searching for reviews.
This webinar includes:
-The best way to get consumers to leave you feedback
-Where buyers search for reviews, and which channels they trust the most
-How consumers use and engage with reviews differently in different industries, including yours
-Learn our top data-driven insights about how to better utilize your reviews to boost sales.
Le marketing automation : la méthode qui saura augmenter votre chiffre d’affaires en 6 mois !
Vous cherchez à qualifier de manière concrète vos prospects ? Vous souhaitez entretenir le lien qui vous unit à vos contacts ? Vous désirez gérer automatiquement et précisément vos campagnes marketing ?
Le marketing automation est fait pour vous, il peut augmenter de manière considérable et rapide vos retours sur investissement ! Découvrez ses fonctionnalités et ses avantages !
This document provides biographical and professional details about Dr. Venugopalan Poovathum Parambil. It outlines his educational background and qualifications, including obtaining an MBBS from Calicut Medical College in 1987 and a Masters in Emergency Medicine from George Washington University in 2013. It lists his key posts held, such as Chief of Emergency Medicine at MIMS hospital since 2006. It also outlines his achievements and awards, which include establishing the first EM postgraduate program in Kerala. The document provides extensive details about Dr. Venugopalan's contributions to emergency medicine in Kerala.
Understanding the different elements by angela ihunweze(mrs)Angela Ihunweze
20 slides•696 views
This document discusses the key elements of a business model canvas, which is a tool used to document and develop business models. It outlines 9 main elements that make up a business model canvas: key activities, key resources, partner network, value propositions, customer segments, channels, customer relationships, cost structure, and revenue streams. Each of these elements is described in detail to explain what should be considered when evaluating a company's business model.
2015.12.12 Measure and Communicate - what worked and what didn't :測って、伝える。- で...Ryu Hayano
45 slides•5.3K views
Slides presented at the "International Workshop on the Fukushima dialogue initiative "Rehabilitation of living conditions after the nuclear accident"
This document provides a personal recollection from a physicist named Ryugo Hayano about the 2011 Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear accident in Japan and its aftermath. It describes the events of the accident, the radiation levels and health effects observed, the food safety testing and regulations put in place, and Hayano's role in communicating scientific information about radiation on Twitter to allay public fears in the years following the incident.
This document summarizes recent radiation measurement efforts led by Ryugo Hayano including:
1. Whole-body counter surveys of over 2700 babies and small children in Fukushima Prefecture which found nobody had detectable levels of radiocaesium.
2. Measurements using D-shuttle devices that tracked external radiation doses of French students visiting Fukushima and found no significant differences between locations.
3. An upcoming study comparing individual external radiation doses of high school students living in Japan, France, Poland and Belarus using D-shuttle devices.
Three BABYSCAN units have been deployed in Fukushima prefecture to measure internal radiation exposure in children under 130 cm. The BABYSCAN is a highly sensitive whole body counter that can detect radiation levels below 50 Bq per body. It has been used to scan approximately 1000 babies so far, and none have shown detectable levels of Cesium-134 or Cesium-137. While internal radiation exposure is scientifically unnecessary to measure, communicating the results to parents is essential to alleviate concerns about radiation exposure in their children.
1. Cesium levels in school lunches in Fukushima prefecture, as detected by whole-meal testing using gel machines, have mostly been very low or undetectable, even after Fukushima City switched to using locally grown rice.
2. Graphs are provided showing cesium detection results over time for school lunches in various cities and towns in Fukushima prefecture, with most results being below detection limits.
3. Data is available on a website for cesium detection results in school lunches from Fukushima City and other locations from 2013 to the present.
We all know collecting customer reviews is important. But let's take it one step further: if you could use data to understand how your customers are actually engaging with reviews, you could see big revenue impact by just leveraging your customer feedback in effective ways.
We surveyed over 1,000 consumers to understand how they feel about reading, writing and searching for reviews.
This webinar includes:
-The best way to get consumers to leave you feedback
-Where buyers search for reviews, and which channels they trust the most
-How consumers use and engage with reviews differently in different industries, including yours
-Learn our top data-driven insights about how to better utilize your reviews to boost sales.
Le marketing automation : la méthode qui saura augmenter votre chiffre d’affaires en 6 mois !
Vous cherchez à qualifier de manière concrète vos prospects ? Vous souhaitez entretenir le lien qui vous unit à vos contacts ? Vous désirez gérer automatiquement et précisément vos campagnes marketing ?
Le marketing automation est fait pour vous, il peut augmenter de manière considérable et rapide vos retours sur investissement ! Découvrez ses fonctionnalités et ses avantages !
This document provides biographical and professional details about Dr. Venugopalan Poovathum Parambil. It outlines his educational background and qualifications, including obtaining an MBBS from Calicut Medical College in 1987 and a Masters in Emergency Medicine from George Washington University in 2013. It lists his key posts held, such as Chief of Emergency Medicine at MIMS hospital since 2006. It also outlines his achievements and awards, which include establishing the first EM postgraduate program in Kerala. The document provides extensive details about Dr. Venugopalan's contributions to emergency medicine in Kerala.
Understanding the different elements by angela ihunweze(mrs)Angela Ihunweze
This document discusses the key elements of a business model canvas, which is a tool used to document and develop business models. It outlines 9 main elements that make up a business model canvas: key activities, key resources, partner network, value propositions, customer segments, channels, customer relationships, cost structure, and revenue streams. Each of these elements is described in detail to explain what should be considered when evaluating a company's business model.
2015.12.12 Measure and Communicate - what worked and what didn't :測って、伝える。- で...Ryu Hayano
Slides presented at the "International Workshop on the Fukushima dialogue initiative "Rehabilitation of living conditions after the nuclear accident"
This document provides a personal recollection from a physicist named Ryugo Hayano about the 2011 Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear accident in Japan and its aftermath. It describes the events of the accident, the radiation levels and health effects observed, the food safety testing and regulations put in place, and Hayano's role in communicating scientific information about radiation on Twitter to allay public fears in the years following the incident.
This document summarizes recent radiation measurement efforts led by Ryugo Hayano including:
1. Whole-body counter surveys of over 2700 babies and small children in Fukushima Prefecture which found nobody had detectable levels of radiocaesium.
2. Measurements using D-shuttle devices that tracked external radiation doses of French students visiting Fukushima and found no significant differences between locations.
3. An upcoming study comparing individual external radiation doses of high school students living in Japan, France, Poland and Belarus using D-shuttle devices.
Three BABYSCAN units have been deployed in Fukushima prefecture to measure internal radiation exposure in children under 130 cm. The BABYSCAN is a highly sensitive whole body counter that can detect radiation levels below 50 Bq per body. It has been used to scan approximately 1000 babies so far, and none have shown detectable levels of Cesium-134 or Cesium-137. While internal radiation exposure is scientifically unnecessary to measure, communicating the results to parents is essential to alleviate concerns about radiation exposure in their children.
1. Cesium levels in school lunches in Fukushima prefecture, as detected by whole-meal testing using gel machines, have mostly been very low or undetectable, even after Fukushima City switched to using locally grown rice.
2. Graphs are provided showing cesium detection results over time for school lunches in various cities and towns in Fukushima prefecture, with most results being below detection limits.
3. Data is available on a website for cesium detection results in school lunches from Fukushima City and other locations from 2013 to the present.