she got stuck!! :-(

she got stuck!! :-(

well I can’t actually complain about anything anyone in here is thinking/saying over and over right now because I’ve been thinking/saying “if there were two guys on the moon and etc. etc. etc.” over and over for the past three days, but if I hadn’t been, I would be complaining right now. just so you know.

wait no I changed my mind. I feel kind of weird reblogging posts about me that aren’t actually about uh, ME me? I get kind of worried someone’s gonna make fun of me or something. ANYWAY, it’s hot in Ohio! nobody told me!!!!

we’re doing fine, more or less! kinda stressed but in a week things will be Done and we’ll be home free(more or less)for a couple of weeks. good to hear things are going good!

 :-( sorry to hear it’s stressful over there but I’ll be rooting for you!!! home stretch!

hey fred! how’s it going?

Hey there!! :-D it’s going good! gotta wake up early tomorrow, but that’s okay. how are you all doing?

y’know, I’ve realized that :^) does a better job of representing my face than :-) but at this point I can’t leave that little guy behind. is :-) my web brand? do I even have a web brand?

psst! it’s Fred! we’re actually going to sleep in a sec but I wanted to say hi since I haven’t posted here in so long. hi! :-)

So many cute villagers have moved into Colin’s town since i last played!!!!

I know it’s been forEVER, sorry! i just haven’t really been digging the whole blog thing lately, i guess. Nothing against you guys!

Hey everybody!! :-) hope your days are going well. it’s really cold here, but otherwise we’re doing great! Or i am at least. haha, don’t wanna put words in people’s mouths.