Some Recent Plays
During sex, I like to think about __________.
34 hours ago
52 A Super Soaker™ full of cat pee.
But before I kill you, Mr. Bond, I must show you __________.
106 hours ago
17 Guys who don't call.
A romantic candlelit dinner would be incomplete without __________.
184 hours ago
28 Ghosts.
What's the crustiest?
235 hours ago
32 Stranger danger.
MTV's new reality show features eight washed-up celebrities living with __________.
263 hours ago
67 Teenage pregnancy.
What never fails to liven up the party?
263 hours ago
65 Asians who aren't good at math.
Who stole the cookies from the cookie jar?
263 hours ago
29 Historical revisionism.
What's the next Happy Meal® toy?
519 hours ago
16 The drama club.
In his new self-produced album, Kanye West raps over the sounds of __________.
527 hours ago
88 Necrophilia.
Studies show that lab rats navigate mazes 50 percent faster after being exposed to __________.
528 hours ago
20 Muzzy.
Next from J.K. Rowling: Harry Potter and the Chamber of __________.
z | 1
x | 2
Nicolas Cage.
c | 3
The Thong Song.
Click a card (or use the keyboard shortcuts) to select it as the winner for this hand.

This is a work in progress - inspired by, but not affiliated with, the amazing folks at Cards Against Humanity.
The cards are a mix of CAH originals and custom original words and phrases.
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