Monday, November 5, 2012

Did the School Board Get It Wrong?

It's a unique situation. This election we have two candidates running that previously went before the our School Board in an appointment process: Jake Rambo and Steve Ly.
The decision was unanimous.
Now we are asked to make the same decision that our board voted on last March. Either the board got it right the first time, or they were unanimously dead wrong. Which was it?
Today you can listen to every word spoken by those two candidates Steve Ly and Jake Rambo at that hearing:. You can also hear every word spoken about them by the school board, and see every page submitted in their applications. (Public records. See Below)
This doesn't just speak to this election, but to how our board makes decisions. The current campaign could be seen as a vote of  “confidence/no confidence” in how our board does business.
It's a hard look at how the school board appointed a board member. Good or Bad, YOU decide. “Did they get it wrong?”
Let's look into it together.

Listen in New Window/Tab
Application Materials: (Click on the name.)
Jake Rambo                            Steve Ly
Note: We edited the original, 2 hours and 45 minutes of the appointment hearing, removing all the presentations and comments relating to any other candidates, except for some rankings. You can check the public record if you like. This is the entire meeting as held on March 27th 2012. (Opens in a new window.)

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