Red Brick Brick Mason Series #3: 17th Anniversary Ale
Atlanta Brewing Company

Red Brick Brick Mason Series #3: 17th Anniversary AleRed Brick Brick Mason Series #3: 17th Anniversary Ale
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Atlanta Brewing Company
Georgia, United States
American Brown Ale
4.06 | pDev: 9.36%
Apr 13, 2015
Aug 04, 2012
Strong American Brown Ale aged for 6 months in a mix of once-used Jim Beam, Claremont Springs, and Old Granddad bourbon barrels then blended back together.
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Photo of Jadjunk
Reviewed by Jadjunk from Georgia

3.58/5  rDev -11.8%
look: 3.5 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 3.75 | feel: 3.25 | overall: 3.5
No label information. Brewed in the style of an American Brown Ale aged in Oak Bourbon Barrels. Available in 12 oz. bottled 4 packs and on limited draft.

Poured from a 12 oz. bottle to a Red Brick snifter glass. Served above 55 degrees Fahrenheit.

(Appearance) Pours a frothy cream head of a pale vanilla over a moderate brown body with heavy haze and watery coffee highlights. Ample chunks of black sediment, light subtle carbonation. Retention is below average and lacing is light and spotty. 3.5

(Smell) Toasted caramel bread, cocoa nibs, lightly roasted coffee with subtle earthiness and mild fruitiness. Clean and simple, little barrel aging evident in the aroma, faint vanilla, some bourbon. Potency is mild. 3.5

(Taste) Moderately roasted coffee, toasted caramel and brown grains, hints of vanilla and oak with a moderate sweet bourbon finish. 3.75

(Mouthfeel) Texture is slick and oily with a light chewiness and a moderately dry finish. Carbonation is high, generating a moderate frothiness and a fully crisp finish, a bit off for this beer. Body is medium/heavy for the style, medium/heavy overall. Balance is slightly sweet over boozy and tart. Alcohol presence is modest and there are no notable off characters. 3.25

(Overall) A decent barrel aged brown ale, although the Oak aging was not as prevalent as I had hoped, there's some considerable Bourbon in there and a bit of malt body to give it some balance. Very overcarbonated, but a decent beer overall. 3.5

Red Brick Brewing Company's
17th Anniversary Ale Aged in Oak Bourbon Barrels
Apr 13, 2015
Photo of buschbeer
Reviewed by buschbeer from Ohio

4.16/5  rDev +2.5%
look: 4 | smell: 4.25 | taste: 4.25 | feel: 4 | overall: 4
Served in a becker glass

This beer is tea colored. It has an inch of tan head the disappears quickly leaving no lacing.

The aroma is sweet bourbon. I pick up a little alcohol too.

While there may be a brown ale in here somewhere, this tastes a lot like bourbon. It is sweet with caramel and vanilla.

Full mouthfeel and silky smooth.
Mar 15, 2015
Photo of BeerDawgs
Reviewed by BeerDawgs from Georgia

4.26/5  rDev +4.9%
look: 4 | smell: 4.25 | taste: 4.5 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 4.25
A 12oz bottle dated 2012, but considering its the 17th anniversary and their 21st anniversary is currently on shelves...i am assuming this is 4 years old. I had one when it was released but this one has been in my beer fridge since

L - Brown with some clarity, 1/4 finger of head, and some lacing left on glass. Lots of sediment floating in the glass

S - Bourbon! And lots of it. Wow..

T - A smooth brown ale, fairly sweet, with a nice bourbon aftertaste. Well done! Tasty

F - Thin body and low carbonation.

O - A very tasty imperial brown. It does taste like a shot of bourbon has been added. If you like bourbon you will enjoy this one.
Jan 10, 2015
Rated: 4.15 by slatetupelo from Mississippi

Dec 25, 2014
Photo of JamesStreet
Reviewed by JamesStreet from Louisiana

4.17/5  rDev +2.7%
look: 3.75 | smell: 4.25 | taste: 4.25 | feel: 3.75 | overall: 4.25
A- cloudy, murky amber color with small tan head
S- Sweet oaky bourbon aroma with, earthy, bready malt
T- Almost tastes like a brown ale with a shot of bourbon dropped in. Definitely pick up the Jim Beam character. sweet fig flavor with some vanilla coming in as well. Good barrel charcter
M- thin, slight syrupy mouthfeel with low carbonation.
O- I really like what Red Brick has done with their Brick Mason series. This is a very good barrel-aged brown ale.
Dec 04, 2014
Rated: 3.5 by spycow from Illinois

Oct 26, 2014
Rated: 3.79 by Fordknox from Tennessee

Oct 09, 2014
Rated: 3.25 by thereal_adam from Texas

Aug 16, 2014
Rated: 4.16 by hoppheadIPA from Florida

Aug 13, 2014
Rated: 4.5 by Cloaked_Phantom from Washington

Jul 03, 2014
Rated: 4 by Georgiabeer from Georgia

Jun 22, 2014
Rated: 3.75 by BigGold from Mississippi

Apr 06, 2014
Rated: 3.25 by Gig2828 from Georgia

Feb 28, 2014
Rated: 4 by BrkfstOfChmpns from Georgia

Jan 14, 2014
Rated: 4.5 by mwisdom562 from Florida

Dec 30, 2013
Rated: 4.25 by AmandaRae from Georgia

Nov 26, 2013
Rated: 4 by The_GrassHOPper from Connecticut

Oct 26, 2013
Rated: 4 by Stum-pub from Connecticut

Oct 24, 2013
Rated: 3.5 by Stinger80OH from Ohio

Oct 04, 2013
Rated: 4 by duff247 from Texas

Oct 01, 2013