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FOX40 spotted dozens of trees down in the wake of Sunday’s storm that swept through the Sacramento Valley.

Many trees, were cleaned up right away, because they fell on public property. If a tree falls within in county lines, the county department of public health will clean it up.

If a tree falls within city lines, depending on the city,some public department will clean it up. But, if the tree falls on private property, it will be the responsibility of the homeowner,  landlord or building owner to clean it up.

Crews were busy Sunday cutting up fallen trees all over Sacramento County.

“If a tree falls on private property and we’re not doing anything, we will respond to a call to help people, but, we don’t always have time to do that” Michelle Eidam of Sacramento Metro Fire told FOX40.

If a tree does fall on private property, depending on the damages, homeowner’s insurance and or
car insurance will be of help to owners.